Oxy Rub, Dr Pergolizzi

Blake –

Victim Location 48025

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Typical online scam. Offer you a small sample with high rate of S&H and than automatically enrolls you into 3 months deliver. Claims the overblown/exurbant valueof the "free" sample. Charges exurbant rates for future product shipments withou claim/quote what and how much of something you will get. Shut these people down, confiscate everything they have and send them to jail. Below is the pasted content from the site of this "snake oil doctor" and the scheme text. There are too many scheems like this destroing commerce and trust.

Oxyrub Pain Relief

More: https://www.wdrugs.com/?s=menthol 12.5 mg/ml topical cream [oxyrub pain relief]

With convenient AutoDelivery at a guaranteed low price.

Claim Your Free Tube!

If you do not cancel within 20 days from today by calling 1-800-XXX-XXXX, you will be enrolled in AutoDelivery and receive a new 3 month supply every 90 days for $49.99 and applicable sales tax, charged after the trial, until you cancel. Cancel anytime.

About Dr. Joseph P. OxyRub Pain Relief Cream was formulated by Dr. Joseph P, World-Acclaimed Pain Relief Doctor.

Dr. P. is an actively practicing physician, treating patients in his advanced Florida practice

A highly sought-after pain relief instructor

Author of over 100 peer-reviewed articles, abstracts, platform presentations, and book chapters in his areas of expertise

Recently named “One of America’s Most Compassionate Doctors” and winner of the 2012 Patient’s Choice Award

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