Victim Location 22031
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Answered an add for a mystery shopper at Wal-Mart, I received the contact info and instructions along with a check for the first assignment. The check is for $3348.48. The instructions are to deposit the check and notify the sender when it clears. Go to Wal-Mart and with $250.00 make purchase, then buy 3 $1000.00 money orders any Fedx them to the address listed in the instructions along with this receipt. I was just looking to earn extra income, but after 38 years of banking experience I could see that this one was a fraud. I Hope that this will help someone else. The check is listed as ** *** Yacht club *** *** *** San Francisco Ca 94123 drawn on *** Bank Fremont Ca.The money orders are to be mailed to *** *** *** *** ** *** Dallas TX 75243. I hope this helps.