No name given

Joel –

Victim Location 40444

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

Through an advertisement in craigslist I was approached by someone about purchasing an item. She had mentioned she would give me the cost of the item plus $50 to hold it in security until she could get a mover to pick it up. I was notified I would be receiving a cashiers check for set amount. The day of the check was to arrive the person I was communicating with notified me that the mover of the piece of furniture would need his fee delivered via PayPal or another form of payment. I notified the person I had contact with stating I would only pay cash. I also mentioned I believe this is a scam. The Fed ex cashiers check that I received was for $1980 instead it should’ve been $200. I notified the Better Business Bureau and was notified it was most likely a false check. Please notify others of this action I was smart enough to catch on.

Albert –

Scammer’s phone 855-217-5874

Country United States

Type of a scam Phishing

Initial means of contact Phone

I got a voicemail first from a man and then the voice changed to a mean woman’s voice. She said she had documents to delivery to us and had made several attempts at our home and place of employment but they were all undeliverable. She was very aggressive in her VM and I know this was definitely a phishing scam. Please beware of people like this… luckily I know enough to google the phone number and found multiple reports.

Katie –

Victim Location 45248

Type of a scam Phishing

Repeated Phone calls: All with the same message in the same voice.

Date ??? Phone 1-281-839-2112, Baytown, TX-contact them because of fraudulent activity on my social security card number-they will cancel my card.

Date 8/8/19 Phone 1-310-598-5746, Beverly Hills, CA, at 4:33pm-contact them because of fraudulent activity on my social security card number-they will cancel my card.

Date 8/19/19 Phone 1-850-359-5068, Jay, FL, at 9:15am-contact them because of fraudulent activity on my social security card number-they will cancel my card.

Date 8/21/19 Phone 1-713-258-7861, Houston, TX at 12:40pm-contact them because of fraudulent activity on my social security card number-they will cancel my card.

Michelle –

Victim Location 44202

Type of a scam Phishing

Person kept texting me from this number 814-302-2431 trying to get me to order a vin check report. They sent me an email address but I deleted b-4 I thought to report this.

Katherine –

Victim Location 70525

Type of a scam Phishing

This phone number called my moms cell and left vm stating she needed to call back to verify last 4 of her SSN. The message sounded like a robot voice. When I called back they asked what color panties I was wearing and many other sexual questions.

Edwin –

Victim Location 79414

Type of a scam Identity Theft

This is from a voice message. They threatened to take away my social security number if I did not return the phone call. They said I could never get another social security number. The person had trouble with words like they weren’t sure how to pronounce the words. They threatened I would also be arrested.

Andrew –

Victim Location 42501

Type of a scam Healthcare/Medicaid/Medicare

I have been bombarded with phone calls for about a mth now. They call from different #s, but it’s always been a man with a very foreign accent. It may be same person every time, no clue. He doesn’t say who he is with "business", but immediately goes in to asking if I’ve received my new red/white medicare card, that the ins co is making sure everyone has received their cards. The times I have spoke to him or them, I have given different answers. The 1st time, I was confused & almost gave my ins information which is thru Medicaid not Medicare. Had card in hand, then my gut told me to stop. I started asking questions & I think that because I was coming off with so many questions so fast, it did seem to throw him off. I ended up telling him I thought it was scam, my ins co ALWAYS sends any information for me thru the mail, they have NEVER called me, and that I wanted them to NEVER call me again. Last week I had appt with Soc Sec office. After a few more calls from that man, I decided to write down what I could from caller ID & a briefly describe what was said both times, cause those 2 calls just days before my appt. I took the info with me & gave it the worker. I asked if she had anyone else saying they received same calls. She did say there is a new card out, but no one should be calling people about receiving it. I told her to keep the info & do whatever she deemed necessary with it. Now yesterday at 6:36 pm, I got same call again, this is info from ID caller: Name Unavailable, # 474-710-4880. Soon as he started I told him I didn’t get Medicare, so no I didn’t get that card. To stop calling me cause I put my # on National Do Not Call List. He was breaking the law by calling my number, then I hung up on him. Today @ 12:16 pm, here we go again. Caller ID info: Cell Phone BM, # 441-599-5859. I cut him off short & said, "listen you keep calling me nonstop & I want you to stop pestering me. I’ve told you I do not get Medicare so it would be really hard to receive any card from them. I think this is a scam! As I told you before, my # is on the National Do Not Call register, so stop calling!" He apologized then he hung up.

I am so fed up with this nonsense, can someone please make that dude go away?? I can’t block his # cause he calls from different ones, so it wouldn’t do me any good. I’m pretty sure this is the same guy & I doubt he’s in the US. A lot of these scams are from other countries who thrive on making money off of us. I guess they think we’re all rich over here, right.

Devon –

Victim Location 55446

Type of a scam Identity Theft

Caller asked if it was me. I said yes and they said it was a wrong number. I called back and it said number was disconnected or out of service. Concerned my yes response was recorded and will be used for fraudulent charges and account so.

Stephen –

Victim Location 34476

Type of a scam Other

Received two phone call didn’t answer it. But they left two messages. the message said illegal activity. Call your Social Security Administration on this

Number. !-203-266-1804 to get this issue resolved as soon a possible to keep my Social Security from being frozen.

Call come from Bethlehem, CT 06751.

Bryce –

Victim Location 77503

Type of a scam Phishing

I’ve received 3 calls in the last two weeks telling me, by my first and last name, to fall a certain number in regards to case #304 435. If I didn’t call, legal action might be taken against me. I stupidly fell for it the first time and ended up telling them my birthday (as verification that I was not the person they were looking for.)

Albert –

Victim Location 44273

Type of a scam Phishing

Got 3 calls, all from different states/area codes. Did not answer as I didn’t recognize the numbers. Calls went to voicemail, so when I listened to them they stated the number and that I should call back or I would be facing legal proceedings against me.

Lacey –

Victim Location 55443

Type of a scam Fake Invoice/Supplier Bill

Received an email this miring from Billimg Dept. states that I purchased 2 Mac pros and my accounts have been charged.

If I had questions I should call the number above.

Taylor –

Victim Location 85641

Type of a scam Phishing

Text message received – "Western Union Money Transfer Money are ready for pickup." An electronic address was given (shown in blue and underlined) and a tracking number (MTCN) (shown in blue and underlined) and a dollar amount. This is a scam message. It was verified by a phone call with Western Union customer service. Per Western Union the tracking number given in the text message was short the required number of digits. Western Union never notifies a recipient in any way there is money for pickup. Whoever is sending a money wire transfer needs to tell the receiving person that money was wired, the tracking number and the dollar amount. I had no knowledge of any persons sending money to me by Western Union.

Brandy –

Victim Location 97403

Total money lost $44

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Paid for heater a month ago. Still no tracking number. No response after first request for info

Jenna –

Victim Location 66901

Type of a scam Government Grant

Consumer got a message thru massager from some one claiming to be a friend. He was told he had be granted a $150,00.00 grant he didn’t have to pay back. In order to get the money he had to send them $150.00. Consumer stopped messaging back and forth.

Latasha –

Victim Location 57106

Type of a scam Credit Cards

When consumer answered the phone all they said was there was a warrant out for there arrest. Has to do with credit cards.

Nicolas –

Victim Location 66611

Type of a scam Phishing

Told consumer that many years ago they had bought a computer and they had a $400.00 rebate owed to them. The consumer told them they had bought a computer and they hung up.

Kurt –

Victim Location 75067

Type of a scam Tech Support

Told consumer that the company they had work on their computer a few weeks before had messed it up. If they would log onto the computer they would fix it. Consumer didn’t get on the computer.

Isaac –

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

Received a postcard in the mail (pre-printed mail postage) URGENT NOTICE (red letters on black background), Re: UNCLAIMED REWARD, Reference #OSS1010019, with my name/address, stating "Our records indicate that your account has an unclaimed reward balance. We are currently holding $50.00 of free Gas for you, valid at Petro Canada, Shell, Esso, and many other gas stations." They give a phone # of 1-844-219-7673, and Reward Reference # as above.

Mary –

Victim Location 94110

Type of a scam Phishing

Caller left a voicemail saying a complaint had been filed against my daughter, and she needed to call the firm "in control of the matter" at 877 563 0029. The caller said his name was Jason Wynn, but he did not identify his company, or the one at the phone number given, and said that his voicemail constituted proper notice (which is untrue). I did not return the call. A google search of the number didn’t turn up anything. In addition, my daughter has never lived with me at this address where my landline is located.

Caitlin –

Victim Location 67530

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I posted for sale on Nex-Tech Classifieds in the Hays Kansas area a 10 month old black Labrador Retriever this person messaged me and told me he was interested in the item that threw a flag generally if somebody’s really interested in a dog they’re going to talk about that dog this person never once mentioned animal dog pet all he could say was he wanted to send me a cashier’s check he wanted information to send it he then talked about shipping company coming to get the item and he did not mention dog again so I’ve asked this person to call me he refuses to call me it’s just a lot of red flags and I believe he’s he’s a scammer I did not give him any information and that’s why I’m contacting you

Hector –

Victim Location 79706

Type of a scam Phishing

These people left a voice mail say that I need to contact them because I have 4 serious allegations against me. If I did not call them back, the "cops" would come arrest me.

Reginald –

Victim Location 44514

Type of a scam Debt Collections

I had a voice mail on my phone this morning that said they were trying to reach me in regard to an Anthony something or other (I couldn’t make out the last name). I’ve never heard of this person. When I looked up the phone number on the Internet, it was reported to be a collection agency that had had complaints lodged against it to me. Sure sounds like a scam, phishing (with no basis to call me) or blatant harassment. I do not intend to respond.

Katie –

Victim Location 33983

Type of a scam Phishing

I received a call at approximately 1:30 am from an unknown number on caller id. The person sounded like the were from the middle east and when I answered they said, "Is this my good friend?" They repeated this. I responded with huh? and the person said Ple[censored]d as I transfer you. I realized this wasn’t something important and hung up. I have no idea what it was all about.

Javier –

Victim Location 70448

Type of a scam Phishing

Received a cold call from a man saying I was due a refund in the thousands of dollars for past service to my computer. The BBB is shutting them down. To receive his refund he needs to let the person into his computer and they must complete the online complaint form together. This person had my name, address and email address, and phone number. I was able to call back the same number as appeared on my caller id. The person spoke with an asian accent.

Kimberly –

Victim Location 96003

Type of a scam Employment

I was contacted by text see text below and by email.


Will you allow our company to put a sticker on your Vehicle and get $500 email us at [email protected]

The sticker in form of Wrap and it doesnt hurt or affect your car and it is a removable paint,if you are interested kindly get back to me at [email protected] for further requirement

Kate –

Victim Location 55045

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Phone call did not give business name. Said there was 4 serious allegations. Call 845-520-7421 to talk about the case before legal action is taken on you.

Sheena –

Victim Location 85022

Type of a scam Phishing

They often call between 9am and noon AZ time

It starts with a Recording about a prize or my cars warrenty expiring

If I ask the person I am first connected too how they got my info they immediately disconnect

If I play along they try to get my credit card number

Alexis –

Victim Location 15146

Type of a scam Other

I’ve had numerous calls to my cellphone stating that this is my final warning concerning the expiration of my vehicle’s warranty. I do not have a warranty on my vehicle. The recording asks if I’d like to speak to a warranty specialist; With the hope of speaking to someone and asking to be placed on a Do Not Call list I finally answered “yes”. The call immediately disconnected after my response. Interestingly, the numbers that are calling me all have the same area code and same first three digits of my cellphone number. Now I’m concerned because people are telling me that my voice response could be used by someone to authorize purchases (although I don’t understand how this could be possible).

Janet –

Victim Location 88046

Type of a scam Debt Collections

This was on my answering machine: They called twice and both have the same wording. As follows

This is an official notification to advice you your telephone number may have been involved in an active investigation within our firm. Please contact the office directly at (210) 686-1210. Thank you. This call was on 2/27/18 at 1:30 pm I have an earlier one with the same message.

I called the number with my cell phone and not the phone they called on. Their machine said to leave a message. I said that I wanted them to call me back on the number they used to call me, but she called me back using my cell number. I did not say on the message who I was I just told them to call me on the number they had left this message on. She called back and said this is investigator so and so I did not catch the name and I did not tell her my name because I thought this was a scam. I said what is this about then she said that I had made a check to Allied something I said no you got the wrong person then she said uh, you are so and so I said yes so she said I am changing you to another dept. I thought but the call was dropped. I called back but no one answered.

Tiffany –

Victim Location 35673

Type of a scam Phishing

I did not answer the call from the above phone number because I did not recognize it. They left a voice mail which began by saying you have 24 business hours to respond to this call. If you do not call, charges will be filed on 4 litigations against you and you "will be picked up by the local cops".

I was afraid to call back as instructed.

This has to be a phishing call because I’m sure I have not committed any kind of crime. The voice sounded possibly Middle Eastern and there were little syntax errors that indicated that English was not her first language.

I blocked the number on my cell phone and they continued to call back changing the caller ID number two more times.

Ian –

Victim Location 57103

Type of a scam Tax Collection

Caller did not identify herself; said they were notified of 4 serious tax issues filed against us and we have 24 working hours to call them at 401-229-4703 to avoid seeing the cops at our door to take us into custody. Same message was left on our answering machine 3 times on the same day. Message sounded unprofessional.

Anna –

Victim Location 71023

Type of a scam Identity Theft


waiting to be picked up and you have to give us your personal info before we

release it.

Catherine –

Victim Location 80112

Type of a scam Travel/Vacations

Person says we stayed at their resort and have earned enough credits for a 75% discount for travel to Florida and the Bahamas.

Janelle –

Victim Location 01040

Type of a scam Travel/Vacations

I called this number because it was a number given for a concierge service for my Citi Card points. This concierge service was supposed to provide me with an Amazon gift certificate from Citi points, but the code they gave me wasn’t working. What I didn’t know was this concierge service had gone out of business and the automated system now associated with the number did not tell me that. They told me that some of their options had changed and they just wanted to ask me a couple of questions and offer me some special deals while I was waiting. They asked if I was fifty years or older, which I did not answer and then launched into an array of ads for T-Mobile, TV service and a bunch of other things trying to trick me into hitting a button that would connect me, supposedly, with one of these businesses. I just kept hitting the buttons that would keep me on the line so I could get to a person to tell them I was having trouble with the code for Amazon. At the end they said, "The number you are calling has been changed, please hang up and call…"and they gave another number. It took about 10 minutes of ads to get to that number. So I called this new number still thinking it was the concierge service and it turned out to be, supposedly, more selling of T-Mobile. Don’t know if it was legit. So I called back the original number again and this time when it told me to hang up and call this other number I did not, thinking it was just a ploy to get me to buy T-Mobile. So I stayed on the line past the point that it told me to hang up and call the other number. And it kept saying, "please hang up and call…" "Hang up and call…" "Hang up now." "Hang up now." When I didn’t a very very very loud high pitched sound began coming through the phone. It was like a plane engine revving up but within seconds had become high pitched and loud enough to cause hearing damage to someone, I have no doubt of that. I am sure this must be illegal. Fortunately, I did not have the phone near my ear, but had it on speaker. Even on speaker it caused me some ear distress as I have trouble with my ears already, so I was not too happy about this. I suspect, 1) that this is a scam and that these are not legit people selling legit services and 2) that these practices are certainly unethical and probably illegal. It was only later, after I called Citi Cards that I found out the concierge service was no more.

Alexandra –

Victim Location 98287

Type of a scam Phishing

Was contacted by landline at home. Loud background sounds…very noisy. Male voice kept asking "can you hear me".

Did not say yes…said I can hear you now.They stayed on line for a few seconds and then hung up.

Hope this helps!!

Amy –

Victim Location 98682

Type of a scam Phishing

Caller claims they were unable to deliver a package. They do not say who "they" are. I should call immediately to set up delivery time and day. # I should call is 773 897-5418. Have called repeatedly in past weeks from a local 360 number, 934-4393.

Raul –

Victim Location 19067

Type of a scam Phishing

Received a call on my cell phone and the person calling said they were with a power company but did not give a name. They asked me if I could here them OK and without thinking I said "yes I can". As soon as I said that they hung up. I called back to see who the call came from and there was a recorded message saying they were the national call center and to e-mail them with any information. I did not e-mail them because I knew that their number was not the national call center number. At this point I knew it was a scam.

Samuel –

Victim Location 60047

Type of a scam Identity Theft

Caller indicated her headset was not working after I said "yes".

Randall –

Victim Location 40324

Type of a scam Travel/Vacations

Answered a call to a giggling female voice said she had dropped her headset and didn’t expect me to answer. She said I had recently stayed at one of their resorts and that’s when I said not interested and hung up. I do not ever remember saying "Yes" but I saw that this is a new scam going around and I wanted to report it in case anything happens later on down the road. The call came from (859)-684-2874 my phone said it is from Lexington Kentucky. I have the same area code and first three digits as the caller (859)-684.

Kristin –

Victim Location 72113

Type of a scam Phishing

Got a call and they said that they said I signed up to get some social security information, then they asked if they could here me OK? when I said yes, they hung up.

Christine –

Victim Location 68046

Type of a scam Phishing

When I answered the phone, the women’s voice asked if this was Diane. I said "yes" and she hung up.

I’ve attached a screenshot of their phone number

Keith –

Victim Location 46825

Type of a scam Phishing

Someone asked if I could hear them then an automated message started talking

Shanna –

Victim Location 15019

Type of a scam Phishing

It was the "Can you hear me?" phone call. I was busy when they called at 2:25 on 2/13/17. I answered the phone without looking at the number and when the male voice asked, I said yes, then realized what the call was and said NO, not interested and hung up. The male voice might have been a recording, and he identified himself as Josh from customer service. That got me right away because I have been dealing with two companies through customer service. (I am not having problems with either of those companies, they are fine)

I sure hope nothing comes of this. I did not order anything or agree to purchase any product.

When I tried calling the number back, it said the survey which I was attempting to reach was now completed.

Tasha –

Victim Location 28092

Type of a scam Phishing

I live in Lincolnton, NC. I received a phone call last night 2-14-17. When I answered they said Mr. my last name. I said yes and they hung up. I tried calling the number back and it gave me a busy signal. I tried several times and again on the morning of 2-15-17. Each time a busy signal.

Paula –

Victim Location 28277

Type of a scam Phishing

The "yes" scam. Called and said, "is this Theresa Ensign?". I said,"Yes how can" and they hung up. Don’t know what happens next but I have called my financial institutions.

Colin –

Victim Location 72601

Type of a scam Travel/Vacations

A lady called my number….claimed that she dropped her head phone….said that we had stayed at one of their properties before and that they have additional properties in Florida. I hung up after that.

Paula –

Victim Location 77306

Type of a scam Debt Collections

This scammer has been calling me for about a yr. I have blocked her number several times and she ends up calling me from different out of state numbers. I have even changed my number and I don’t know how she gets it. I finally decided to report it when you she called my sister last week. She left her a message stating that there was a warrant out for a family member and that they would be arrested if we didn’t pay their fines or give her his information! I listened to the voicemail and it sounded pretty believable. It makes me sick to think of all the people who probably fell for this scam. I did my own research and found that there are no warrant out or any fines due. I let the family member know about the call and they knew nothing of this collector/scammer. Neither one of us has lived in Tx. in years and we thought it was strange that the collector claimed to be from Tx. I even googled the number she provided and so negative information up. Many people claimed it was a scam number and they get the same call. This lady needs to be STOPPED!!!!! I have provide 3 of the numbers she has called me from. (866) 424-5500 (this is the main number she calls from) , (616) 715-8504, and (605) 2772926.

Brittany –

Victim Location 32216

Type of a scam Credit Cards

Phone call, hard to understand, offering to low credit rates. Consumer called back and asked to be removed from calling list. Operator proceeded to asked personal questions, shoe size, height and weight. Consumer hung up on operator.

Taken by staff over phone.

Amber –

Victim Location 31217

Type of a scam Phishing

if did not call a1800 number I would subject to arrest

it was said someone had tried to deliver a legal document but I was not home according the caller

Lee –

Victim Location 83404

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Non-English speaking/foreign accent man keeps leaving voicemails that he is contacting me -no name- about an enforcement action from the federal treasury and ignoring will be an intentional effort … That will result in an appearance before a magistrate judge or grand jury for a felony. He gives his phone number as one digit different the caller ID – 609-299-1756. Caller ID number is listed in the firm above ending in 1765. I can send an email with the message.

Marvin –

Victim Location 01001

Type of a scam Other

They called and left a message saying the local law enforcement would be coming to get me if I did not call them right away. They said there were 4 serious allegations against me. I know I have not done anything wrong and that this was a a scam. I did not call them back. They have called twice so far.

Jodi –

Victim Location 46750

Type of a scam Tax Collection

I’m getting several calls a day on my cell phone from this phone number: (509) 850-3486. I don’t answer it so a message is left telling me to call them back at that number. Today I tried calling the number and got a foreign man – possibly Iranian or Indian. I told him I wanted them to take my phone number off their call list. He said it can’t be done. He asked me if I owed back taxes. When I said no, he said I did. I told him not to call again. He said, "Why?" I hung up. Can anything be done to stop this harassment?

Russell –

Victim Location 50109

Type of a scam Tax Collection

They left a voicemail and it was a robo call that said, this is to inform you that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against you. Call this # with your case information. I called because I knew it was a scam and wanted to see if they answered. I got a busy signal twice and now it says it’s disconnected.

Melanie –

Victim Location 60706

Type of a scam Credit Repair/Debt Relief

Multiple phone calls from (888) 521-4388 with claims that my federal student loans have been approved for student loan forgiveness and consolidation. I don’t have any federal student loans. The voicemails left by this person (same person, every time) are embarrassingly unprofessional, so that was tip-off #2. He can’t even quote the same hours of operation each time he calls.

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