Nex generation shipping Company

Miranda – Jul 06, 2020

Victim Location 33176

Total money lost $500

Type of a scam Online Purchase

there is a French bulldog breeder on instagram called @robinsin_robin i tried purchasing the dog, the dog was on sale for 4,000 I sorry but I cant to much money he than told me well how much can I pay i said 1,500 and he said ok he can do that. Than he ask me to pay the full amount through cash app and I said no i will give a deposit and once I receive the dog I will give full amount, he then said ok. So I sent him a $500.00 deposit. Than I noticed that he lives in Colorado but his phone number is from Indiana and than i kept asking for the puppy documents and he kept avoiding it. He than asked me when do I want to ship the dog and i said when he can, he replied says next day Monday I said ok…..once the dog was supposedly shipped I get a call from the shipping company stating I need to pay 1,150 dollars. I tild them I was not going to pay that he needed to talk to thr breeder because he did not tell me anything of this. The whole time it was all a back and forth and than starting threatening me saying he is going to have the cops show up at my house and have ministry of livestock and wildlife come and get. They don’t stop making threats and harassing me. I will be making a police report. I also searched online nex generation shipping company scammers and there are other people that are victims.

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