
Michele – Aug 24, 2020

Yes, I am alos a victim. They did not mention to automatically charge yearly. In their website they set default to turn on auto renew. People usually discover after losing 1 year subscription @2xx in my case.

Mark – Apr 13, 2020

Victim Location 91789

Total money lost $149

Type of a scam Other

I am offering private tours in Mexico and got an email from this company to list my tours on their site. I was surfing around on their website and was interested, so I filled out all the data…but bevor sending I changed my mind, erased everything and closed the website. Not an hour later I get a phone call from one of their salespersons. I told her that at this time with Corona I just don’t have the money to pay 300 US for a listing, especially in a time when people are not able to travel.

She said we could help each other in me paying half now and them preparing the listing and I could pay the rest later. So I said I would be OK with that if I can pay the other half after business is picking up again and after earning some money again. So I paid the 150,- US and they set up the listing, what they did…..but a very ugly listing it is!!!!!

Only 2 days later they sent me a money request over google for the 2nd half of 149,- US. So I’ve sent an email asking what’s going on if they always treat people that want to help them out like this….no answer.

Today, 2 weeks later I get an email that they tried to reach per phone and email and that they did not get a response and if they don’t hear from me within 24 hours they will give my account to a collection agency!

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