Victim Location 77081
Total money lost $160
Type of a scam Other promises chances at modeling contracts, monthly prizes, and big scholarships.
Show us the proof.
Their website is full of fabricated testimonials that can not be verfied. In fact, I attempted to verify their validity, and all sources point to FAKE.
The auditions/castings that they post on their website are FAKE or copy-paste from other ACTUAL agencies. I attempted to verify emails used in the posts, and they are all fake (see attached screenshot).
Their scam works by luring parents into paying to get their kids a better chance of being noticed by talent scouts, and if every parent with a kid on the site did this only ONCE, this company would make $1.5 MILLION (based on a $19.95 entry fee x total number of profiles on site).
I even contacted Kohl’s, and here is their reply:
"Thank you for your email regarding children modeling for Kohl’s. I will be happy to assist your with your concern.
At this time, Kohl’s works through Milwaukee-area talent agencies like Arlene Wilson’s and Jennifer’s Talent to find fresh faces for our print and broadcast advertising. We also work with talent agencies in areas surrounding Milwaukee, like Elite, Ford, Arlene Wilson’s and Aria in Chicago, Illinois. I hope this was helpful.
We appreciate the time you took to contact us and look forward to serving you again.
Judy W."
No mention whatsoever of
This site is a HUGE scam. You may as well spend your money on lottery tickets.