MUSL Grant Funds

Krystal –

Victim Location 76539

Type of a scam Government Grant

A recent connection with a friend from the past on instant messanger that prompted me to contact by text this MUSL agent for eligibility for a grant which aids retired, disabled, small businesses etc. My friend indicated she received a grant for $200,000 for medical expenses and home improvements. She gave me the number to text for eligibility. I texted and was prompted to provide my full name and photo of my driver’s license for verification of eligibility purposes. Then , via text, an application with some basic questions was sent to me to be completed. It requested general information such as DOB, address, monthly income, occupation, purpose of grant, amount requested. Once this information was submitted a confidential email was received indicating grant amount awarded. However, a 5% fee of the total grant had to be paid before receiving the funds.

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