Victim Location 33647
Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan
The above link describes exactly what is being sent to my home at 20339 Merry Oak Ave.
There are some sort of mailers that have obtained records of my mortgage and asking for a call regarding an "important matter" that is time sensitive about a loan.
It is concerning they are distributing my information on a open mailer, which may have been seen by many.
Please help stop this type of scam!
Victim Location 02492
Type of a scam Other
Solicitation of Mortgage Protection Plan. I received multiple requests from the same organization with different mailing addresses. This is harassing.
Victim Location 80904
Type of a scam Home Improvement
Please do not respond to any correspondence sent by mail postal cards, telephone, or email that has to do with money. Your bank, mortgage company, or credit union will only send mail to you in their company envelopes. You should contact them if you have any doubts about their authenticity, or just do it for your financial safety. I knew this was a scam the second I read through it. I called the 800 number to hear what they wanted and of course they wanted personal information. I hung up immediately and contacted *** Credit Union. I am not the first person today that called *** regarding this scam. Please be careful!
Victim Location 02045
Type of a scam Phishing
Pink postcard arrived in mail – see image. Indicates "important matter regarding loan". Includes a mortgage ID#. Just enough information to think there’s a problem with your mortgage. Total scam!
Victim Location 37355
Type of a scam Counterfeit Product
My experience has aspects in common with two shown on website list of 2017 scams. I searched under "mortgage protection". That is how they acquired my information; I wanted mortgage insurance. First contact was via phone soon after we moved to TN; then mail, which I thought was from a local bank and I answered. Then they kept calling and like other scams I’m aware of tried to get me to say yes in response to a question. Today there was a phone message saying I had unfinished paperwork for a loan. They used the names Mortgage Protection Services, Mortgage Protection Office, tried to say they were loan, and another time, insurance representatives. They at various times said they were in my county, in a well known city in TN. Mailed materials used several Missouri return addresses. I believe they used change of address form information and other public sources to target and zero in on me.
Victim Location 64052
Type of a scam Other
Received a pink card in the mail, US postage paid from Daytona Beach, FL,stating, "You have recently closed on this mortgage with COMMUNITY MORTGAGE (all in caps). We need you to please call use about an important matter." Went on to explain it is time sensitive, and to call 800-230-8750. The listed a Mortgage ID#.
I have lived in my home for 5 years, and never had a mortgage with Community Mortgage. In fine print at the bottom, it states, "All info provide by Mortgage Protection Services." Goes on to mention that "public information received through county recorder’s office" followed by, "Notice provided by Mortgage Protection Services, not affiliated or sponsored by COMMUNITY MORTGAGE."