Victim Location 55117
Total money lost $17
Type of a scam Online Purchase
No email confirmation on orders. No emails back. No contact of any sort. Took money with no product received
Victim Location 85629
Total money lost $18
Type of a scam Credit Cards
I was sent to this site when I looked up the legend of Zelda links awakening dreamer edition, online The price was almost $18 when the original price was $70 The price seemed too good to be true but I can no longer find it at physical stores nor on any other site that I’ve visited they are just simply out of stock and the site seemed legitimate but once I finished the check out it confirmed that the order was successful but did not send me a confirmation email Or any other information on the item then when I tried to log back into my account it would not allow me to this seemed suspicious to me so I did some research online myself and found that a lot of people were suspicious of this site and had many of the same problems mainly the very low prices and being blocked from getting into their account