Moore Bridal Store

Anna –

Victim Location 32177

Type of a scam Employment

I initially replied to a "yard cleaning" ad on Craigslist and received the following email:

Hello Applicant,

Thanks for responding to our Job Ad regarding the cleaning position. My name is D*** S*** and I’m the CEO of a bridal store that has been operating in California. Here is the Company website ( and my wife’s name is Stephanie with our first daughter Jennifer. My wife is 4 month’s pregnant and we are in the process of re-locating our bridal store to your city. My Agent has gotten some places suitable for our business and we will be needing an apartment to stay as well.

I will be offering you $500.00 weekly at any convenient time of yours, three times in a week probably Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to handle the cleaning position. We will be needing your services for the next nine months if you will be available, hope two hours will be enough to clean a three bedroom apartment with one master bedroom and two standard size rooms, as well as one Living room and a kitchen?

Once the apartment is paid for, we will commence renovation immediately and I will instruct the Landlord to mail you the keys, description and paperwork to the apartment as soon as they finish with the renovation so that you can go in there and do your job. You will help us to clean the apartment in the morning or a day before our arrival. We will be arriving on the 25th of June and you can start working on that same day. I will also send you the list of some cleaning equipments that you will need to purchase.

Let me know if you are interested in the job so that my Financial Adviser can issue you a Certified Company Check to execute the task and purchase the cleaning equipments, the check will also include your first week pay of $500.

Note: that you are not to use your personal funds. I will get back to you with more information.

If you are interested, kindly get back to me with your information:

Full Names:

Mailing Address:

Apartment# (If any):

City, State, Zip Code:

Cell Phone Number:

Current Job:

The employee acknowledged the Trial and Detailed

Job Description

and signed _____________________________

(First Name and Last Name of


We want your total cooperation and attention to details before you commit to this position. We promise you a great time while working with our loving and humble family. I will be waiting to read from you soon.

Best Regards,

D*** S***

CEO, Moore Bridal Store

I had not given any specifics on my location and the ad did not state where the job was. I was wary when they said they were moving to our "area" and would send a "certified business check". Red flags wave all over this form letter.

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