Victim Location 31322
Total money lost $800
Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan
I wished I had done a lot more searching. I took out this loan last month. I had every intention of paying in full in February. Well I have a special needs daughter and we are having to get her care at a facility 12 hours away. I’m not able to pay it off in full in February so I get roped into the extreme interest rate. That $3300.00 loan will now cost me over $13,000 that is given me a year to pay on. You read that right I started researching and what I found in the laws of Georgia was astonishing. No wonder they offered no loan under $3,000.00 that’s also in this lovely read. Well I researched some more today for insight and a company called Transfer Credit that is only licensed in Georgia and Illinous gave me a $7,000 loan at 35.99 percent interest. A company to help those in these two states from these major predatory sharks. That’s the highest they charge and is Money Lion/Better Cash knows that. They just hope we’re all to stupid to realize that. I’ve proceeded into writing the state and warn them about this. I will continue to spread what they are doing to others with my proof. Playing Devil with other lives! Georgia State Attorney General I’ve also notified.