Moncton Commissioner of Oaths – Tanya Nolti Trueman

Mindy –

Total money lost $160

Type of a scam Identity Theft

Tanya Nolti Trueman – Greater Moncton Commissioner of Oaths, Polar Bear Snow Removal and Moncton Home Inspections

Tanya came to my home in Moncton on April 29, 2018, a Sunday evening on a same day request for Commissioner of Oaths service. She witnessed 3 affidavits and charged $132.25 . We were very happy with her service.

I called Tanya on June 20, 2018, a Wednesday morning for a same day appointment for 1 signature for my husband, and asked what her fee was over the phone. She told me $35. I sent her a text message and asked her to send payment details by email. Tanya told me she was not at her desktop and she would need to take payment by phone. I gave her my credit card details and Tanya charged my VISA $201.25.

I called her a few minutes later (12 minutes to be exact) to clarify as I thought this must be a mistake. Tanya said the charge was correct. I explained I thought she said $35 and that she charged $132.25 on a Sunday for 3 same day signatures in April (not even 2 months ago). I sent the screenshot of that receipt to her. She told me that her fees went up. I asked her to refund the payment and cancel the appointment. Tanya declined stating her policy is that all payments are non-refundable.

Tanya came for the appointment as scheduled because she told me I could not get my $201 back even though I only authorized $35 plus tax. Tanya did not complete the service. She signed as a witness but she did not date the document. Tanya then without consent took a photo of my husband’s driver’s license. Later that same day she sent me an email with a picture of my husband’s ID. He had no idea she took a picture of it.

He called Tanya to ask her about this. Tanya replied not to ever contact her again and she hung up on him. We have recorded the phone call. I emailed Tanya on his behalf and her reply to me was that if I contacted her again she was going to call the RCMP and have me charged with harassment, get a restraining order and she was going to take me to small claims court and sue me for defamation. We have called the RCMP to report this as it is a criminal offence.

This is identity theft.

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