Miles Dachshunds Puppies

Nathaniel – Oct 12, 2020

Impressed with thei website, their detailed information and the pictures of their miniature dachshund puppies. We picked a 19 week old female for $700. An added perk was that they had a few shipping coupons available. And yes, Noodle would come with all the perks : micro chipped, housebroken, all her shots, Vet documentation, food, crate and toys!. Payment was requested by an online method I can’t recall at the moment but I had trouble with anyway. I was then instructed to try Cashapp – again I had trouble. Being ever patient with me, my husband and I were given detaild instruction involving the purchase of America Express cards – Success at last. Noodle was ours! NOT SO FAST. A contract would be on ots way- we still have not recieved it.
A bit of background, if I may. This whole nightmare has been particularly cruel, not because of the decption and money lost but because a sweet autistic boy,our son Ansley has been waiting for his “baby sister to arrive and just can’t understand why Noodle is not here. a thousand times a day he asks me , Mum, what if she’s scared like me? What if she’s hungry? Mum, what if she’s sick – what if she caught the virus. And most painful of all: Mum, what if she found out about me, my autism – what if she didn’t want to be my little sister? God,I can’t even write this. i never thought my son would be so crushed. How? Why? I opened the door that would lead Ansley to thinking that a puppy would reject him because of his autism. How do I take away his doubts, about himself and his fears that his puppy is hungy sick or scared.
Some may say we are getting what we deserve by buying an expensive puppy ( cheap by most of the prices we saw). Our sweet Miniature dachsund,reagan, died unexpectedly in my arms two years ago. This precious animal reaced our son. It took 3 years before he would even pet her. She waited and then it happened! God is so good . Beore she died Ansley was convinced that Reaga could talk to him, in doggie-speak of course, Yup. you gueseed it I was suddenly gifted with the ability to translate “doggie speak” ( for hours at a time) after reagan died, Ansel insisted that only another miniature dog would do. We seacher dachshund rescues, enlisted friends inour search – allto no avail. Then we found Miles dachund puppies; perhaps saying they found us would be more appropriate.!
We paid $700 for Noodle 1 week ago. She would come to us via that “free” flight coupon the next day. I had a phone number so I calle dsunday evening. I was tild that the flight plans weren’t finalized yet but I would be notified as soonas they were. GREAT, this is really going to happen!. My husband and I were awakened early Monday morn by a man I didn’t know with a heavy foreign accent . He was explained that he was with the pet transport company, EXPRESS SHIPPING. he informed that an additional $1,500 was needed URGENTY for a thermal electric crate for a puuy to fly in. Without this crate, she and “the delivery agent” would not be allow ed to board the plane. I still had no contract nor flight informatio,. Again, American Express gift cards were to be involved. We were instucted to get to CVS “right now”. The service clerlk would only sell us 2 of the 3 cards we needed to purchase. She asked us what they werefor (we lied). We hurries to a walgreens for the 3rd $500 American Express Gift Cards. Again, a sales clerk questionned why we were buying the card – again we lied. Again we received a warning about pet scams. But the web site, thebinormation and details provided, notto mention the picture of our sweet Noodle ( to be renamed). i had trouble with the Express shipping web site. I contacted Miles dachshund Puppies who were only too happy to help us to get $1,500 to Express Scripts. Then the bad news Noodle and her attendant missed their flight. Now EXPRESS SHIPPING would need anouther $500 (yes AE gift cards0 to cover the costs for fe
The blame was placed squrely on me. Iasked why no mention was ever made to the need for a thermal electric crate and that we were awakened from our sleepand sent out to get $1500 gifht cards. Later that same day we were informed that the shipping company was not able to secure another flight. Now an additional $500 would be needed to cover feeding, lodging and accommodations. Oh, did i mention that a thermal alectric crate was needed even thouh Noodle was to be transported in-cabin and from NJ to Florida. I told express Shipping tat I had no more money. We had had no contact from anyone for the next 24 hours. The next morning , lastTues, my too kind husband said that unless we paid the additional, money, we would probably never see Noodle. Another American Express Gift card. Miles dachshund Puppies was suddenly back in contact with us. Then we reccieved the most detailed flight itinerary I have ever seen. Aside from the requisite flight information, it included the type of seats passangers would be sitting in and the degree to which the seats reclined!. Noodle would be arriving at the Daytona International Airport in daytona Florida. at 10: Tues night. After choir practice for church that evening. We stopped to get some supper as Daytona wasn’t that far. I had checked durinng the day with MDPs and was reassured that Noodle and her handler had boarded thei Delta flight from New Jersey that morning. We later recieved news that both had landed safely in Atlanta around 5pm and now had a 3 hour layover. GREAT this is really going to happen! NOT SO FAST! While waiting for our food to arrive before heading out to Daytona International Airport, there it was – another URGENT need for $2,000! A micro detailed (lenghy text would be an understatement) Infrorming us that the Georgia
Wildlife Commission had imposed a 6 month quarantine on all animals flying interstate -yes,even 10 week old puppies! Unless we came up with another $2000. Noodle would not be able to make the last leg of her journey to us and would be quarantined for 6 months They really thought we would buy story. . Neither Miles Dachshund puppies (MDP) nor EXPRESS SHIPPING had no prior knowledge as something as significant and relevant to their livlihoods as ths quarantine! It was easy to find out that there was no such Quarantine invoving domestic animals on domestic lights. Checing with Delta aurlines the next morning, I was informed that no amials had boarded Delta Flight 1260 that morning and that no puppy was booked to travel out of Atlanta on flight 1633 shortly after 8pm that evening. (Need to add that MDPs had reminded me several days earlier that “None of this was his fault. It was my fault for not getting the first URGENT need for money ( thermal electric kennel). causing Noodle and the handler to miss their flight. A couple of days ago, I texted Miles Dachsund Puppies to ask where Noodle was now and who was looking after her. I got a response from them saying that Noodle was still in Atlanta. $700 10/11/20 for Puppy
$1500 10/12/13 for thermal electric crate (refundable}!
$500 10/12/20 for feeding lodging and accommodations
$2000 10/14/20 to avoid quarantine ** NOT PA
Hope this helps someone find their special pet and avoid our mistakes. Our family will be profoundly profoundly affected and changed.because of all this. While my trust has been shaken, I still believe in the inhernt good of mankind. I ask anyone reding this to pray for us but most especially to pray f0r our son, Ansley, Laura Hall ([email protected])

Savannah – Sep 20, 2020

Miles Dachshunds is a scam. They stole our money proceeded to ask for more money and when we said we are starting to think it’s a scam they refused to call us & did not talk to us again. They tried to say we were going to jail for not paying them. Huge scammers.

Jose – Sep 15, 2020

Victim Location 29201

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I was looking for a Dachshund puppy and came across the website and contacted Miles Dachshunds Puppies about a puppy. They texted and emailed me with dog pictures and the information and the price and how to pay (only on cash app or zelle). I asked if we could talk on the phone about the dog and he reluctantly said yes. When we talked I asked him if i could pay on PayPall so I was covered in case I don’t get the dog and he said no and when I asked for references he hung up and wouldn’t contact me again.

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