Microsoft TECH supoort

Ruben –

Victim Location 19004

Type of a scam Tech Support

While internet shopping, on Sept 2, 2018, a message popped up that a virus has corrupted my computer, via a pornographic website, with a phone # to call 1877 762-2942. I spoke to Thea Winchester.

I called the number and was informed that a virus has gotten into my new computer and MICROSOFT would service it for 249.00.I initially let the "company" remove the virus. They company wanted me to drop a check in the mail.

The interaction did not sit well with me, so I called my bank and froze my checking account. I took the PC to Staples where I purchase it and they removed the virus, which I was covered.

I received multiple calls, the next day from customer service 1 866-711-5711, John Stuart (Manager), verifying customer satisfaction. I informed him that all transactions would be cancelled, because I felt this was a scam.

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