Microsoft Impostor

Alejandro – Sep 15, 2020

Victim Location 28083

Type of a scam Identity Theft

I received an error message on my computer, so I called the number given. Once in my computer he went into my bank account somehow. After I told him to stop playing around he started calling me terrible names. I immediately turned off my computer and did this.

Caroline – Sep 01, 2020

Victim Location 97211

Total money lost $13,000

Type of a scam Phishing

My Aunt was on her laptop researching for information, when she clicked on a link that said continue. All of a sudden the computer screen started flashing and the screen said that the computer had been hacked and to call a number for help. She called the number and spoke with Nick Ward with Microsoft who said that gift cards needed to be purchase in order to repair. She was told to go the Fred Meyer and Target to purchase gift cards and to scratch the codes of the card and to provide to him. He told her to withdraw $13,000 dollars and to buy $500. gift cards at both stores and to provide him the numbers. She did this. After that he wanted her get withdraw another $4000 which she tried to do but her bank denied. Thank god.

Tyler – Aug 20, 2020

Victim Location 38637

Type of a scam Tech Support

On August 19, 2020, I received a phone call requesting a payment of $299.00 to be paid by the end of the day to cover a security service for my personal computer. I informed this person, he said his name was Paul. I informed him that I do not use a Computer. He continued to insist, he stated that I could pay $99.00 today and the other $199.00 later. I stated to him that I did not use a computer. He then suggested I BORROW someone else computer.

He then stated that he would cancel the transaction. I requested a CANCELATION ID# which he gave…#14732835921

Dominic – Apr 23, 2020

Victim Location 76310

Type of a scam Tech Support

I got a call from someone giving me a Microsoft account number.

Dennis –

Victim Location 76310

Type of a scam Tech Support

I got several calls where the caller ID showed my own phone number, I heard them say it was Microsoft when my wife answered the first call. We haven’t answered any others.

Karen –

Victim Location 76309

Type of a scam Tech Support

I got a call saying my IP address had been stolen and that I needed to get a new one. It told me to press one for help, and then I told the guy I knew it was a scam.

Justin –

Victim Location 41059

Type of a scam Phishing

Scammer called at 3:08pm today. Left a message stating "…Microsoft services on your computer has expired today. All Microsoft services will stop working by end ot the day. Contact Microsoft Services at 1 (866)935-4855.

Theresa –

Victim Location 61856

Type of a scam Phishing

Received an email from what I thought was Microsoft that said my computer was infected with a virus. I allowed them access to my computer and they then sold me a 3 year subscription for a firewall and said that it would be $399.00 but instead my credit card was charged $1399.00. I contacted my credit card company to let them know that I was scammed and took my computer to a local computer place and had them clean up what this company put on my computer.

Dane –

Victim Location 25125

Total money lost $4,000

Type of a scam Tech Support

I was contacted saying that Microsoft owed me money for services provided that was not provided. I believed them since awhile back I had accepted something from Microsoft to fix my computer. They were to refund 300.00 into my account, which I let them into, but 2400 was deposited. Still not thinking correctly I went and tried to get American Express gift cards $500 a piece to refund them this overpaid money. I only got 2 of the gift cards because Fraud alert froze my account. I came home, called fraud alert told them I had made the purchase, gave the guy at Microsoft (Paul Walker) the American Express Gift Cards information, and sent him a copy of the cards by text. I got on my computer this am and went to my online bank account and they had taken all the money in all the accounts attached to my online banking, totaling about $4200.00. My daughter had $1700.00+ in checking; 1800+ in savings; my father in law had 750+ in his checking. Now they all have a little over $100.00 in them. The guy called me back this am and wanted to know how we were gonna get the rest of the money refunded to them, that they could not go into the accounts and refund to themselves and that they were only attached to my checking account. After a very loud cussing on my part I told him where he could go. He informs me that if I do not cooperate he will lose his job and that the would freeze all of my accounts, and I would not be able to get back into them, and that they would take all of the money in all of the accounts as a refund for the $1000.00 that I still owe them. I told him to go ahead, I had already frozen all of our debit cards at the bank and got rid of my online banking. He was a foreign guy that I had a hard time understanding at times. I know I should never have even told him i was interested, I am constantly telling my daughter to not fall for these traps, and I fell right into it. There were 3 people scammed in this trap.

Shanna –

Victim Location 15601

Total money lost $499

Type of a scam Tech Support

Bells and whistles went off on my computer call number supposedly Microsoft. Called and wanted 499.00 to fix computer. After further investigation realized it was a scam. Took computer to Staples they checked it. Charged 160.00. Called Discover they are investigating the 499.00 charge cancelled account they keep calling to update hung up.

Carly –

Victim Location 15108

Type of a scam Tech Support

The call to my land line is showing up on our caller id as our name and number. As if they cloned our landline to call it. It is a recorded message from Microsoft. And recently called 7 times in one day

*** *** ***

Bobby –

Victim Location 16505

Type of a scam Tech Support

I receive 6 calls a day telling me they want to give me back my money because they no longer have technical support. They want me to open my computer so they can get into it and fill out the return form. Claim they want to return my $499.99 that I sent them for Anti Virus Support. 

Francisco –

Victim Location 45121

Type of a scam Tech Support

I received a call on 8-2-19 in the afternoon from 808-353-8518 one of called the other one William, and I said I wanted to talk to boss, he put me on the phone with another guy and I said I wanted to talk to his boss and he said William and I are the only ones you can talk to. They said they were with subsidiary of Microsoft. They first called and left message on my voicemail indicated they would take $399.99 out of checking account, but I couldn’t understand. When I called he said you don’t owe us, he said we owe you and he wanted my contact information to send check. He wanted me to get on my computer to send him my contact information and other stuff, but I wouldn’t do it. I told him don’t call back and said I would call the Better Business Bureau, and that’s when he hung up. They did not speak good English.

Cristina –

Victim Location 45233

Type of a scam Tech Support

These people will continue to call you telling you they are going to charge you monthly 299.99 for services you signed up for to protect your computer. If you don’t get on your computer and do the things they want you to do, they will continue to charge you 299.99 a month. They will refer to Microsoft often, but not be real specific about anything. They can become very aggressive to the point of belligerent if you do not comply. They did offer a one time fee of 200.00 to cancel this subscription.

Joel –

Victim Location 41059

Type of a scam Tech Support

Scammer left a phone message stating: "Your Microsoft computer expired today. All Windows services on your computer will stop working by end of the day. Contact Microsoft at (833)755-7865."

I did not return the call.

Caleb –

Victim Location 45238

Type of a scam Tech Support

I have received several calls from the following numbers 206 331 4891, 817-402-0091 & 513-875-0987. They are claiming to be from Microsoft. They claim they are going out of business and would like to settle money. They request you return their call. I feel this is a scam and I will not return their calls. I would just like to warn others.

Jeffery –

Victim Location 45613

Type of a scam Tech Support

scammer called me on my house number using my phone number I thought it was my phone carrier said my computer was being hacked and they have sent me notices. let them in my computer they fixed the problem offered me a 3 year service contract gave them my check router number and account number said they would call Monday to see how I liked it. called sunday I changed my mind told they already took out wanted to put money back needed my account number to put back. I gave to him I know stupid. all he needed to do was put back 249.95 he told me all he could transfer was 2000 I said no put back what I was owed. he really pressed the 2000 I said I would need to see 2000 in my account he said it was there he wanted me to keep 500 and for me to get Walmart gift cards for 500 x3 and he wanted me to go that right now told him NO NOT TIL I SEE THE 2000 IN MT ACCOUNT. he did not get any money he did lock up computer said he would if I did not go told him go ahead don’t have my life on computer, just use it for information, he did. but I have everything fixed now.

Jenna –

Victim Location 26003

Type of a scam Tech Support

A robo call came across with this phone number, stating my "invoice had been approved by Microsoft but there was an issue I needed to address and to call immediately". Knowing it was a scam, I called to see what they stated. The CSR, for lack of better terms, spoke with a heavy Indian accent and stated I needed to give them access to my computer via passwords because my computer "contacted them". Upon refusing, I was cursed at with colorful language and hung up on. I receive the robo calls frequently for this scam.

Kristy –

Victim Location 90250

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Person called to inform us that they would debt account if 499.00 was not paid

Andre –

Victim Location 11953

Type of a scam Tech Support

I was on my computer and clicked on a story about a little girl. As soon as I clicked on the story a red band came across my computer screen, with a voice telling me that it was urgent I call the number listed above. There was something wrong with my computer – it had been infected. If I didn’t call back the number I would lose access to my Microsoft account and my IP address would be distributed across the web and they would release personal information about me. I called the number and spoke with (2) different people. it was very difficult to understand them as both of them had heavy accents. They claimed they were calling from Microsoft. I have tried to shut my computer down and am having difficulty shutting my laptop down.

Barry –

Victim Location 38611

Total money lost $2,400

Type of a scam Tech Support

My mother was victim to the microsoft scam. The scammer called her and claimed to be microsoft and said she had an issue with her computer. Her computer had been acting up and the caller ID said Microsoft so she thought that it really was microsoft. They instructed her to go get itunes cards and read them the number for payment. She did. They then claimed that it would cost more and they got her banking information from her. By the time she called me and i realized what was going on they had cleaned out her checking account. All together she lost $2400

Andrew –

Victim Location 45202

Total money lost $1,000

Type of a scam Tech Support

A pop up appeared on my computer. Told me to call Microsoft support. Called the number and they told me they needed to access my computer. Gave them remote access. They said it would cost $500 to correct the problem. Told me to go buy $500 in Google Play cards. Went to Krogers and bought 5 $100 cards. When they called me back, they said that wouldn’t be enough to fix the problem. They would have to have $500 more. I went to a different store and bought a $500 Google Play card. I gave all the numbers on the back of the card to them. I spoke with 2 different people. One was a woman named Jessica. She claimed to be with Microsoft. Her phone # was 888-880-7280. The other was a man who claimed to be Jessica’s manager. After I realized that this was a scam, I contact my bank, cancelled my credit cards, called the credit reporting agencies and contacted my internet provider. I also filed a police report.

Dawn –

Victim Location 45252

Type of a scam Tech Support

I have received 2 calls from 2 different men claiming to be from Microsoft stating they owe us money for something we purchased. At first they said I would get $300, then $500 or $6000. One of the callers asked for my account number but I did not give it to him. They said, now when you get the check go to walmart and get $200 in giftcards and I can keep the balance of $300. They kept saying $300, $500 and even $6000. They called from 319-327-8833 & 844-822-0876 each time it was a different man with a different accent. I told them if they owe me money, then just mail it. I will not get a gift card. I believe this i scam and would like to work others.

Francisco –

Victim Location 26506

Total money lost $149.99

Type of a scam Tech Support

My computer froze up and I couldn’t do anything. A message came across my computer that said that a virus has been detected and to call Microsoft at this number for a technician to repair your computer and to protect you from this virus. I called the number and the man identified himself as a Microsoft technician and he would need to take control of my computer to fix my problem and get rid of the virus. I was told to go to my browser and put in the Microsoft help website listed above, he then took control of my mouse, proceeded to show me the virus and problems with my computer. He then told me it would cost $149.99 to make these repairs. I provided him my debit card number and then he told me it would take about an hour and he would call me when the process was complete. He called back an hour later and said it was repaired. It appeared that it was fixed. I then realized this may of been a scam and took my computer to Best Buy for them to check it and I was informed that it was a scam and they cleaned my computer. I reported my debit card compromised to my bank and it was cancelled. $149.99 was taken from my account.

Nathan –

Victim Location 76305

Type of a scam Tech Support

That my microsoft software key had expired and that I would loose the ability to access any of my files.

Patricia –

Victim Location 96789

Type of a scam Tech Support

Fake Microsoft Virus Message. Our son called the scammer’s phone and he was asked to provide his password to his computer.

Stacey –

Victim Location 15963

Type of a scam Phishing

Consumer called:

Recording kept saying "if you leave this screen we will be forced to deactivate your computer", you couldn’t click out of the screen so my husband called the number on the pop up. When he called the number the man had an accent and he wanted us to pay $200 and when my husband refused he hung up on us. My husband called a 2nd time and they said it would be $99. One guy was named James. He called a total of 4 times and they wouldn’t take it off, they wouldn’t transfer us to a supervisor. First he was told we were talking to Microsoft and the second time we weren’t.

Aaron –

Victim Location 77447

Type of a scam Tech Support

Pop up window appeared and guy asked for access to my pc and told me I had viruses and he could get them off. It was urgent. Took me to website and had me put in a code and then he had full access to my pc. I could not do anything after that. I turned my computer off and changed all my passcodes.

Louis –

Victim Location 76310

Type of a scam Tech Support

Caller ID indicated the call to my home phone was from my own home phone number! Caller’s voice sounded like it was machine-generated. Caller said Microsoft had been trying to reach me and my Microsoft service was going to be cut off in 5 days. I hung up the phone before the caller finished.

Lucas –

Victim Location 85045

Type of a scam Tech Support

He asked "Is this Mrs. Dykes?" I said "yes it is". He said he was from Microsoft Tech Support calling about a problem with my computer. He asked if I was the primary owner of a windows device and I said "yes I am". Then he started using swear words to me. After telling a few people, I was told about a scam wherein they need you to say "Yes" and this could be a new flavor of it. He did not ask if he could hear me, however, since he went into using bad language to me I think it’s not the typical trying to gain access to my computer scam. He was from India.

Seth –

Victim Location 64856

Type of a scam Tech Support

Everyone beware. Something I think is fairly new and believable. When surfing the internet, "something" took over my computer with red flashing type and a recorded message something like "You have visited an infected website. DO NOT SHUT DOWN YOUR COMPUTER and immediately call ***". They represented themselves as Microsoft and when I called, they wanted me to download one of those programs where the tech support person can dial into your computer and perform services that you are not able or don’t want to perform yourself. The website for downloading the app was: G2A-***. When I typed in the website, the next thing they wanted me to do was to type "".

I began to get suspicious especially when I called and someone answered on the first ring. That NEVER happens with Microsoft. The guy that answered the phone was an Indian from India (I know because I’ve talked to them A LOT). I began to question who they were but they assured me they were Microsoft and kept saying "You called us". I finally said that I didn’t feel secure performing the tasks they had asked me to do. I think you shouldn’t let anyone take control of your computer unless you called and asked them to (i.e. Norton, etc.).

The next day, I contacted Microsoft and as I suspected, it wasn’t them. I was soooo glad that I stopped when my gut told me it wasn’t the thing to do. I copied down their website address and here it is: So the lesson is this…just because they represent themselves as Microsoft, you can’t automatically believe them. When in doubt…DON’T DO IT!!!

Cristina –

Victim Location 44714

Type of a scam Tech Support

Received a voice mail message made at 3:55 p.m. on 7-12-18. We need a Microsoft License Key. Windows license has expired. It sounded like a computer-generated phone call.

Nina –

Victim Location 38112

Type of a scam Tech Support

Got a call from fake microsoft wanting $1800 to fix my computer. This is so fake. They are foreign and call me at all times of the day making threats if i do not pay.

Kenneth –

Victim Location 76308

Type of a scam Tech Support

Message left on my phone said they represented Microscoft; that my warranty or registration had expired; and that my computer would no longer work unless I called them back immediately. I did not return the call, but assume they were going to ask for money to "extend my warranty." Today (June 18, 2018) is the third time I have received this call.

Ashley –

Victim Location 38111

Type of a scam Tech Support

I keep getting calls from fake Microsoft telling me i have a virus and need to give them access remotely to my computer. They call me almost everyday from a different number

Maggie –

Victim Location 76209

Type of a scam Tech Support

Left voicemail from 845 area code but then it mysteriously changed to Vietnam area code- was about call By them back because Microsoft Windows has been compromised .

Tasha –

Victim Location 38019

Type of a scam Tech Support

Microsoft account

Verify Your account

We’ve have Detected something unusual about a recent sign-in for the microsoft account [email protected]***.*** for example , you might be signing in from a new location, device or app.

To help You keep safe, we’ve blocked access to your inbox, contact list and calender for that sign-in. Please review your recent activity and we’ll help you take corrective action. To regain you’ll need to confirm that the recent activity was yours.

If it was you click here

Please reply us. click here to tell us what happened.

If You Receive This Message In Your Junk or Spam Its Due to Your Internet Provider

Thank You

Microsoft Office

Jill –

Victim Location 38019

Type of a scam Tech Support

I got a phone call and email from someone claiming to be Microsoft saying i needed to pay or my computer would stop working. I called Microsoft and they said it was not them that called or emailed. The number they called from was not a Microsoft number but someones cell phone number

Donna –

Victim Location 38135

Type of a scam Tech Support

I was called at 10:30pm last night from someone who said they worked for Microsoft and asking for my social security number and to by an extended warranty for my computer. I hung up the phone.

Tanya –

Victim Location 26208

Type of a scam Tech Support

Scammer stated Windows license key had expired.

Daniel –

Victim Location 34990

Type of a scam Phishing

Person calls to say they work for Microsoft and they need my credit card number to verify that my versions of Microsoft products are valid/legit. Sure..

Micah –

Victim Location 33324

Type of a scam Tech Support

Pornographic images poped up on my desktop and then a pop up message that my computer has been infected and to call the number to advice on how to remove this pop up

Maggie –

Victim Location 54603

Type of a scam Tech Support

This is the 6th time this has occurred. This occurred with a friend as well and she almost fell for it and nearly lost money and her computer hacked into. It is this pop-up that reads:


RDN/YahLover.worm!055BCCAC9FEC Infection



Error: Virus – Trojan Backdoor Hijack #365838d7f8a4fa5

IP: Browser:Firefox ISP: Charter Communications

Please call computer system technician immediately on: (877) 836-9722

Please do not ignore this safety alert. Your Microsoft System Has Been Compromised. If you close this page before calling us, your computer access will be disabled to prevent further damage and your data from being stolen.

Abby –

Victim Location 45750

Type of a scam Tech Support

When I open my homepage on computer a Microsoft add pops up warning of a virus and that my computer is infected. It is a voice message with the ad, and warns that my information is being taken as it speaks. Urges to call the 888 number to resolve or they will be forced to lock my computer.

Ana –

Victim Location 32964

Total money lost $800

Type of a scam Tech Support

The morning of 11/16/17 opened window that was emailed to me and computer froze and screen popped up instructing me to call Microsoft at 888-558-2612. The call was answered by Chandan Bhakti who informed me I had been hacked and my computer had been damaged and I needed to install a Apple firewall. I had tried to reboot the computer several times, but the same screen kept appearing. He instructed me to go to Walmart and purchase Apple ITunes cards specifically for use for applications. He told me I would be refunded 80% by Microsoft. I asked him for proof of who he said he was and he gave me his credentials. He had me to look him up on Google and it verified he was who he said he was. His Microsoft ID number was 1388. We could not complete the transaction yesterday, and when he called me today from his (different) number, 844-895-4222 he showed me screens that appeared to be from my computer that showed many files damaged. He said I needed to get activation key from Walmart that would cost over $1,000. When I attempted to pin him down on that, he showed me on the screen a very official US ID with a US government seal. His name was on it and ID number which was ag 54348, which he described as his agent number. This Microsoft department was in charge of protecting the internet from scammers and hackers, and was monitored by the BBB. I told him I wasn’t making further decisions today, so he said he would call me tomorrow. So far, I am out $800 and realized too late that I have been scammed!

Suzanne –

Victim Location 26508

Total money lost $50

Type of a scam Tech Support

My husband and myself having been receiving phone calls from a company claiming to be Microsoft. They got us one time because we use Microsoft. They say they see suspicious activity with your email address to get access to your computer. And that’s when they do the damage.They said they were fixing it and instead made it worse, by infecting it with a virus. We had to take it to the shop to be fixed. Not able to give phone number because they call from either private or restricted numbers.

Arthur –

Victim Location 33035

Type of a scam Tech Support

got several calls from the number which listed Washington, DC under it, throughout the day. I answered the last call and it was a foreign man asking to speak to me ( using my maiden name) claiming he is calling in reference to computer alerts they’re receiving from my home network and its critical. I immediately hung up the call and blocked the number because I remembered a few years back reading on scams as such.

Erika –

Victim Location 33950

Type of a scam Tech Support

I received a pop up saying my computer is infected and told me to call a tech support number. i called the number and she want me to give remote access. she told me she could fix my computer for a fee.

Stacy –

Victim Location 25276

Type of a scam Tech Support

I was online & troubleshooting my connection. Then I started receiving messages actions I knew I didn’t do. The Microsoft Windows help bow came up & said they were aware of the dada loss from this location & was going to help me through this. I after getting it stopped. I received a txt.message from Google say they knew what I did. A short time later I received a call from a man claiming he was from Google asking me to turn in different settings like location etc. After he knew I wasn’t going to he ask if I liked his new device he was trying out. His txts are gone & my pc is full of malware. 42 malicious items were found & my data is gone. I read it is a phishing scam or a tech scam. All of these items were over looked but my security apps.

Jack –

Victim Location 33004

Type of a scam Tech Support

a pop up appears when I open Internet explorer stating

Windows Defender Alert: Zeus Virus Detected on your Computer!

Tanya –

Victim Location 25521

Type of a scam Tech Support

I was on my computer this morning and received a notice from "Microsoft" that my computer was badly infected. There was a phone number, so I called it. I allowed this person access to my computer. After about 20 minutes of pretending to look for viruses, they wanted to charge me $649.99 for a life time virus/firewall protection on all my devices. Once I told them I did not have the money, they kept lowering the price for less years of service. I finally told them I would have to call them back later, as I did not have the money.

After closing my computer, I contacted *** (my internet security carrier) and was informed that this was a scam. *** then got on my computer and deleted the application they had attached to my computer. After everything was clear, I had a lot of trouble signing into my facebook account…it was wanting my driver’s license and other personal information. PLEASE remind people of this scam. I am usually pretty careful, but this person talked so professional and knew so much about computers, I almost got SCAMMED. Thank you so much.

Timothy –

Victim Location 25304

Type of a scam Tech Support

my home computer had a pop up with a voice alert that if I didn’t call the phone number on the screen, Microsoft would shut down my computer. I called and Adam Wood claimed he would be able to help me. Said malware had infected my computer and he needed access to help me clear it out. After letting him on my computer, he looked at all the programs, etc that were on my computer, asked if I used it at public spots, what I used it for, etc. Said I had a virus that required me to obtain a firewall and he and Microsoft could help walk me thru it but he would use a 3rd party company for the software. Quoted prices for 1, 3 and 5 years – from $125 – $499…

I asked him to please get out of my computer and I would be checking local vendors for service. I did not give him my credit card or any passwords, but he has my IP address. All of which makes me feel vulnerable for identity theft.

Michael –

Victim Location 77459

Total money lost $300

Type of a scam Tech Support

The caller left messages on my home phone about my Microsoft windows expiring and to contact them regarding my Microsoft certificate. I called a 800 number that then referred me to "tech support’ @ 315-215-0971. They asked me to log-in and then took over the computer to show me parts of Microsoft windows that were expired. They sold me a 5 year plan for $300 and told me to pay with 3 $100 I-tune gift cards by providing the codes on the reverse of the cards. I was told that this was to protect me since my compute had been at risk . I did what I was told, thinking they were concerned about me as a customer, only to find out that this was a scam. My computer is now unable to start and provide service.

Brent –

Victim Location 54303

Type of a scam Tech Support

Person said he was from Mirosoft, and told me his name was John Thompson, he had a foreign accent and told me he was from India. he wanted me to go to a site so he could take control of my pc he was told to call, but did not know my name or anything else. he gave me a return phone if i need to speak with him. I did not call it number was 1-844-820-3366

Lucas –

Victim Location 85260

Type of a scam Identity Theft

This company used a fake identity to scam people for Microsoft Support. The address on site seems to be given by in Scotsland Arizona.

But this site shows that is Microsoft.

I spoke to Rose a chat agent tried to hack my computer.

Blake –

Victim Location 26264

Type of a scam Tech Support

Was going to protect me from being hacked. Wanted to gain access to my computer to protect my computer from being hacked.

Ronald –

Victim Location 77354

Type of a scam Tech Support

Had a close call last year with a man using the same tactic , wish I had kept the phone last year…I am always a skeptic, but I wanted to see what he had to say, I allowed him access again thinking he was Microsoft , but then he got to be sarcastic & that is what confirmed my thoughts & I just disconnected the DSL line without telling him and he couldn’t finish what he was doing, I hung up on him, he called me back instantly, speaking very hatefully saying i wouldn’t be able to access my computer &that they had control, but I new better & hung up on him again & grabbed my computer & went to best buy for them to look it over…. this time it was a lady describing the exact same words.."this is Microsoft & we have had alerts that someone is trying to hack into your computer.. I hung up on her this time & she keeps calling back

Jerry –

Victim Location 77578

Type of a scam Tech Support

Caller claimed they were with Microsoft Support and and tried to get me to do some things on my computer. I pretended to be confused, they called me a profane name and hung up.

Lisa –

Victim Location 77389

Type of a scam Tech Support

While I was om the computer I tried to go onto Facebook and a PopUp came on and said my laptop was infected with viruses, malware, spyware and hackers. A recorded message ensued stating to call the number on the screen. So I called. Stupid, I know but the fella walked me through my system after giving him access, and showed me 500 or so different issues. After10 minutes or so he then went through some options for security on our computer. They all started in the $120 range. I told him I wasnt interested because it was my daughters computer she used for movies and school work. He then became abrasive. I kept telling him I wasnt interested and then my laptop froze up. I called the (844) number several times asking for help and they gave me the run around. Lastly he started to say he didnt like me but he had to bite his tongue for what I feel he really wanted to say.

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