Victim Location 10003
Type of a scam Employment
I responded to a craigslist post seeking a video editor. The body text of the post was as follows:
"SOFTWARE COMPANY is hiring Adobe premier video editors. We are planning to document our business software with interesting videos that will be used as software tutorials. You need to be able of performing a 30 minutes test showing your skills."
I scheduled an in-person interview for the next day and was instructed to meet at 435 W31st Street
New York,NY 10001. When I showed up and texted the phone number I was emailed, I received no response. Later that day I received a text from that number asking my email. I provided it and was sent a .rar folder containing two video files, which I was asked to edit together as an audition. This is common enough, and the stiffness of the responses given could be attributed to tech guys making esoteric software who don’t know how to work with designers. However, their website was barely functional and seemed like a front. Suspecting a scam, I texted the number and and sussed out that they were looking to use the audition to obtain a video file that could legitimize their fake business. Looking to obtain more information, I downloaded the .rar file, extracted the video files, found no virus, did the work in 5-minutes, and send it back with a large watermark that would prevent them from using it. Correspondence after that has been redundant. Perhaps they plan to use the video even with the absurd watermark. I was not targeted for money, but I believe this person/group may be attempting to scam businesses into purchasing software. The video I was asked to edit contained generic, poorly-shot clips of two men on Skype.