Micro Pc Tech Inc

Claudia –

Victim Location 71909

Type of a scam Tech Support

I was checking my computer just surfing the news item when this message came up and said I was hacked I was to call this number that they had listed to get my puter back They said it would cost me 400 dollars to fix or if I did on line 100 dollars of course I did pay the 100 but checking with a tech person they said it was a scam . I contacted my credit card company and put a stop of payment The folks I spoke to had Indian accents

Robert –

Victim Location 95519

Total money lost $500

Type of a scam Tech Support

Th is company hacked into and locked up my computer claiming to be microsoft and the only way I could fix my computer was to call them, which I did. 2 hours later and $500 less in my checking account I could use my computer again. I then found micro softs’ phone number on line and contacted them. I was told that Micro Pc Tech was not affiliated with them and that they do not charge for fixing a problem. This company also implanted their phone number on my lap top which I cannot get rid of. I have changed my ID on all my accounts with exception of the ones using my email and I have changed the passcode on all the vulnerable accounts I can think of. I also put a stop payment on the check, they insisted that a check from a bank was safer than a credit card. I think , but unsure, that removed their program they downloaded from my computer

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