Micheal Monty, Robinson Rivas, Transcontinental Pet Relocators

Jenny –

Type of a scam Online Purchase

The scammer has ads on various pet classified ads websites advertising puppies from various breeds available for adoption (i.e. eclassifieds4u.com). My wife and I replied to one if these ads being interested in purchasing and akita pup. A few "to good to be true" red flags followed: a guy supposedly named Micheal Monty wrote an extended email back to my wife explaining how he has a bunch of puppies (yorkies, bulldogs, pomerians, akitas etc) that he has to give up (for free) because he’s relocating. He says the puppy or puppies will be delivered via air courier services and provides a lot of details and a lot of pictures. The fact that he has so many puppies of different breeds to give for adoption, but no adult ones is another red flag but you go with it, hoping it’s the real deal. Anyway, he then asks for names, address and phone numbers, which we have provided. Phone calls happen during this time as well. Anyway, the next step is you receive an email, supposedly from a pet courier service company, which seems legit, informing you that the pup is ready for shipping and you just need to pay , via Moneygram for the transport ($300). We had Googled the guy but didn’t find anything, now we had the name of a company (Transcontinental Pet Relocators) and a website (transcontinentalpetreloctors.com) that we could check and it all became clear: that website, along with 4 others with "pet courier business"-type naming have been registered 4 1/2 weeks ago and are functioning from the same IP. All look identical (and pretty elaborated that is), with just the name on top changing. The company the domains were registered by is based in Panama. Also, we then checked for the photographs he attached using Google images and found similar ads on many different websites, some of which had the dogs listed for sale, some for free, the names of the dog in any photograph would also be different from website to website. Needless to say, we haven’t provided any other data to the scammer.

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