Victim Location 66204
Total money lost $13,000
Type of a scam Charity
This scammer {Michael Daghan Lockhart) used three bogus email addresses to get money from me. He has received thousands of dollars from me as he said he was in Kuwait having immigration problems and trying to get back to Wisconsin where he said his 13 year son name John lives with his sister Mary Powell. He then says he is buying a home in Overland Park, Ks where he already put down 750,000 on a home on Golden Bear Drive Overland Park, KS 66204
[email protected] (Michael Daghan Lockhart) is the name given to me the entire year of conversation. Mostly by text message. He said he owned a oil servicing firm where he fix and repair Oil rigs all over the world.. Michael said he is not originally from the united states. He is a full german breed.
[email protected] (Mary Powell) is the name he gave as his sister that lives in Wisconsin. I sent money to her via Walmart to Wisconsin Walmart. It was sent from Walmart Store #5207 via RIA FINANCIAL SERVICES, 7001 Village Drive, Buena Park, CA 90621 (1-855-355-2144)
[email protected] (Stephen Baughn) a fake name he used along with letter head Venable Solicitors. I contacted Venable LLP they said I’m sorry if you have been a victim of fraud or deception, but Venable does not have a lawyer named Stephen Baughn.