Victim Location 93555
Total money lost $96.52
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Initial means of contact Not applicable
I saw the printer on the site and it was the best price so I decided to purchase it. I paid $96.52 USD. That was the evening of June 11th. On the 12th I received an email with shipping information. I decided ot check the tracking and it said the item was delivered in May. So I wrote the supposed seller asking when I can expect my product. I never heard from them so than on the 14th I contacted PayPal to tell them I believe I was scammed. The person that helped me told me to wait a few more days and then if I want, I can file a dispute (or something like that). This is the email I received:
PayPal Transaction ID: 5PV06277WW643221F
Details about your shipment
Dear Kimberli Thompson,
Victoria added shipping details. Please note that the tracking information and shipping status are shown exactly as the seller entered them.
Shipper USPS
Tracking number 9200190237757321017064
Shipping status Shipped
If you have questions about the shipment, please contact [email protected]
[email protected]
1021 East California Avenue
Apt A
United States
Description Unit price Qty Amount
Item Name: All the items in your shopping basket
Item# LWG101348
$96.52 USD 1 $96.52 USD
Subtotal $96.52 USD
Shipping and handling $0.00 USD
Insurance $0.00 USD
Tax $0.00 USD
Total $96.52 USD
Payment $96.52 USD
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