McIntosh Bennett (aka AIL, aka altig-orlovic)

Terry –

Victim Location 37405

Type of a scam Employment

I responded to a job posting on craigslist for a management position. After the initial call to set up my in person interview, something didn’t feel right. I couldn’t locate anything about the company on the Internet. I called the woman back and had a subsequent conversation with her asking where I could find company information. I again search the Internet and looked for potential warning signs. I was fairly certain this was bogus. I called the woman back a third time, explained my concerns and that I was going to be leaving an ill family member to come back for this interview. I asked multiple times if the management position require that someone do another position or sales first before getting to that position. I asked all kinds a very direct questions and outlined my skepticism. She just kept saying how she completely understood and there was no way that he would work for a company that would do those things. That the company was completely on the up and up and no, you did not have to start out doing sales. These were, of course, all lies. I went to my in person interview. I again asked very direct questions about the nature of the position and expectations from the two "senior quote managers who I met with. They looked like they were fresh out of college. Then I was asked to sit through a presentation on what the company does. At this point I had asked very directly more than seven times about the position, the expectations, and vocalize that I was not interested in a sales position I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time. They kept me in the office for three hours! At the end, I was of course correct. They wanted me to go out in the field and sell insurance before considering me for a customer service management position. Why bother lying? Because the more bodies they can get in the door, the more likely you will feel like you’ve gone this far you might as well give it a try. If they are successful even one out of 10… This is why they do a group interview. They are scammers with exceptionally high turnover. They are boldly and repeatedly lying. I am certain, some of those young men and women will fall prey to their scheme. Initially it will cost them about $300 to get the initial licenses and certifications. I’m sure once they get involved they will be asked for more money. Stay away!

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