Marketing Network Enterprises

Julia –

Victim Location 92264

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

Claim I was a finalist in their 2019 Tesla giveaway. If responding within 7 days you get up to $100 Walmart gift card.

Then says to call within 72 hours to RSVP and also receive a complimentary 3-day 2 night vacation to locations such as Orlando, Bahamas, Virginia Beach, Las Vegas and many other locations….while supplies last.

***Call for details. Some restrictions apply. Match your number up to our game board to see which ONE you will receive. To participate in this offer you must be part of a cohabitating couple, Married or otherwise, one of you between the ages of 40 and 70, with a combined annual income of $60k. Married in cohabitating couples must attend the presentation together a chicken. Must be present to win. Purchase does not increase chance of winning. This is a fun way to promote travel, so attendance is requested at a 90 minute travel presentation.

Contest begins August 30, 2019 and ends November 22, 2019.

Addressee must redeem original mail piece in person by close of business on 11/22 2019.

It sounds too good to be true.

I knew that my winning digits would match theirs!

Obviously they want me to call them and give them all the information they want to scam me.

They want people who make $60k and married or cohabitating, and have to do it soon because it ends on the 22nd this month. (Dead ringer!)

They want you to call them, but on the letter it says that the addressee must redeem original mail piece in person by close of business on 11/22 2019. That will be their address in Phoenix Arizona!

In the letter they state that in the event of print/mechanical errors or duplicate winning numbers distributed in error, the number match contest is void and no prizes will be awarded. Also says no purchase necessary but it doesn’t state purchasing what ?

Also says that the winners are responsible for any activation fees, deposits, port charges and taxes.

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