Map Processing Solutions

Olivia –

Victim Location 98312

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Get an automated robocall that transfers upon answer. Then a foreign person answers and has to "verify" my name and that the last 4 of my social are correct. They say I have a delinquent loan from 5+ years back (3 separate people have given me 3 different dates of loan) when I ask for more information, one person said none was needed, one person gave me a customer service email and the 3rd hung up on me. Needless to say, this is my 3rd phone call only on day 2 of receiving them so I hope this does not continue.

Janelle –

Victim Location 27203

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Saying I owe $550 can’t tell me who I owe it to but they are driving me crazy so I agreed to pay $50 a month just so they would quit harassing me I have defaulted on 2 payments the foreigner just left me a voicemail saying to call immediately please make these people leave me alone terrible.

Taryn –

Victim Location 97333

Type of a scam Debt Collections


About a month ago, my mother and father started receiving calls at their home address stating that I owe unpaid loans to a collection agency. Then, about a week ago they somehow got her work number and started harassing her there too. So, I called them and told them I wanted proof in writing that I owed the debts. I’ve never taken out loans in my life and when I asked for proof in writing they hung up on me. I threatened them with a "cease and desist" and also left a voicemail stating I had filed claims against them with the and the internet crimes division (IC3) of the FBI. Unfortunately, these calls are being made from an undisclosed location outside the U.S. probably; so there’s not much the can do. Whenever I’d reach a so-called representative they’d ask me for a false claim number for a false report they have on me (their accents all sounded alike and from India and I’d always reach a different rep every time). encouraged me to write about it on this Scam Tracker link so that other people aren’t victimized like me. I even ran a credit report because they had me all paranoid about it (I was an identity theft victim from about seven years ago). These are the kinds of people they victimize. They probably look up past identity theft victims they can manipulate. They somehow knew the last 4 of my SSN and what bank I use, e-mail address, and past addresses. THEY’VE GOT INFO ON PEOPLE ON SOME PHISHING LIST!!! They said they’d tried several times to reach me at a previous address from about 5 years ago and that my loan debts had started back in 2012. Like I said before, I was so paranoid that somehow someone had gotten a hold of a bank statement or something at an old address and started applying for loans in my name. But I ran the credit report for reassurance and no legitimate company would become angry with a customer asking for written proof in the mail and then hanging up on them. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!!! THEY JUST WANT YOUR MONEY AND PERSONAL INFORMATION. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON’T LET THEM INTIMIDATE YOU!!!

Frank –

Victim Location 44709

Type of a scam Debt Collections

I received a phone call a company called Map Processing Solutions stating that I took out a PayDay loan via online or in person for $300. I had already talked to another company prior to this telling them I knew they were a scam and to not call me again. The representatives are always very rude. She had my old address, employment, bank account, and my social. When I asked if the information could be mailed to me, she said that it could not because attempts had already been made at my previous address. I told her that was a mistake, and could she mail me the creditor’s information again. She then proceeded to get irritated and said that was not possible. She claimed that they just received my information on March 15th, but I had talked to someone back in February. I don’t know if this is a case of identity theft or a scam but either way, I told her if she called my phone again I was going to get a lawyer. I also told her that she was a devil and rebuked her. I hope no one is paying for this so called loan over the phone to this company.

Kristy –

Victim Location 28540

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Map Processing Solutions keeps calling claiming of a debt collection for 2011, They can not tell me who it is from plus they will not tell me where their company is located. They are nasty and rude!

Alexandra –

Victim Location 71909

Type of a scam Debt Collections


Aimee –

Victim Location 83687

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Call me for three days until i blocked their number (866) 566-6573… They want my name and number they got upset when i asked for their company name and address .address never matched and there is no company under that name Map Processing solutions…. And when i return their call i could here a man whispering in the background… And they told me don’t believe everything the internet says … Definitely scammers… They also called a family member out of state wanting info about my husband they have used different numbers in the past

Randy –

Victim Location 85138

Type of a scam Debt Collections

MAP processing solutions. They keep calling myself and my Fiance. The message says to reference this claim # when we call back. They say it is from a pay day loan I took out. I have never even spoken to a pay day loan place. When I block the number that calls me they call back with a different #. I keep asking them to stop calling me as I know they are a scammer. They keep saying the calls will not stop. The last # they called me from was 1-866-514-9653.

Kelsey –

Victim Location 39565

Type of a scam Debt Collections

I was called at least 3 times a day, including my cell phone, and place of work. I kept ignoring the phone calls, but finally it was getting very annoying so I called the number back and a foreign lady answered. She said I owed 400.00 to someone. I couldn’t understand the company she was naming even after asking several times. I still don’t know?? It was like she was trying to avoid my questions as she just kept rambling on, which by the way I couldn’t understand half of it. She said they attempted to withdraw the funds from my bank account but were unsuccessful. She named the actual bank I use and had the last 4 digits of my social as well. She also had my previous address that I lived at over 6 years ago, but not my current one. I was pretty frustrated at this point and let her know it because I knew I didn’t owe this money to anyone. She then hung up on me!

Preston –

Victim Location 19047

Type of a scam Debt Collections

Phone calls both to myself and my parents have come from 866-410-6651. They claim to be Map Processing Systems. They refuse to divulge their business address. They claim to be collecting upon an online loan of $400 from 2012 which was never taken out (nor listed on my credit report). They make threats about litigation and wage garnishment. After many harassing calls I repeatedly called THEM and told them either to provide proof of the transaction in question or stop calling. I was hung up on many times and continued to call back saying they needed to remove my parents’ and my phone numbers or I’d start calling authorities to investigate them. We will see if that works but thought others should be made aware.

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