Victim Location 37303
Type of a scam Employment
Invited me for an interview via Google Hangouts, Asked questions for the interview, let me know what all the postion entailed, general informaiton. Then proceeded to ask me if I had the equipment needed to work from home. I said yes. Asked if was hired if I would like my paycheck via check or direct diposit. I mention in the chat that I was skeptical of the off because I was unable to find a working number for the company. I mentions that I thought this was a scam. That sentence was dodged and I was asked who I bank with. At this point, I am fairly postive that this is scam and I asked for a working phone number that I could contact. I was then blocked. After further investigation the lady doing the Interviews name was suposedly Ann Goodwin, but her email said anngodwin, and she even said in the chat that her name was Godwin. The picture on the chat looked oddly general, so I googled her name and that picture popped up for Ann Goodwin’s twitter as the first result. After researching the real Ann Goodwin, finding out that she has no connection to this pharmacuticals company. Nor is she the Company’s Senior Vice President or Hiring Manager. She was introduced to me with two different Titles.