Sierra –

Victim Location 55109

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Exactly as several other people have experienced (and reported to the BBB), I responded to an offer to try 2 of this company’s products for free, the only cost being postage. There was absolutely no suggestion this offer was for a subscription service, and no suggestion there was any further obligation. 2 weeks later my bank debit card was charged $89.95, and also $84.00 in the same day by this company. Fortunately I received a Fraud Alert text immediately from my bank asking me if these were valid charges. I was able to tell them they were not. My bank denied the charges, and issued me a new debit card to avoid further charges on the old one. As a result, I was able to avoid the battle to obtain a refund that many others obviously faced and are facing. I was lucky, but this company should be shut down for this kind of scam operation!

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