Total money lost $120
Type of a scam Home Improvement
Tuesday, May 8th, 2018 – Found advertisement sign for a company called "MadeBetter LANDSCAPING" outside of St. Margrette D’Youville Parish Catholic Church’s property (Brampton, Ontario) and my husband decided to call the number to get a quote/estimate for having the backyard of his parent’s house worked on for a gift for his Mother for Mothers Day. When my husband called the first time, there was no answer but about 5-10 minutes later, he received a call back. When my husband answered the phone and after speaking to a man named "John" about having a quote made on the property, John said that he would come over in 15-20 minutes to take a look. 40 minutes later and John shows up. I did not personally see or meet John, but my husband and my mother-in-law both met with him and explained what was needed to be done. After all was explained, John said that he will do the work for $500 in cash and will also work on the front yard for free all on Friday, May 11, 2018 with his sons if we give him $200 cash upfront. We only had $120 cash to provide at the time to which my husband gave to John and John asked my husband to write a receipt because he hurt his hand from doing a job. John took the receipt and never provided it to my husband.
May 9, 2018 – John calls my husband said that he lost our paperwork as it flew out the window on the highway. He then goes on to tell my husband that he spoke to his business partner and his business partner was upset that he charged so low for the job and was asking my husband for $600 instead of $500. After my husband refused to pay $600, John asked for $550 instead to which my husband said no again and requested that John honours the original agreement of $500 to which John agreed to reluctantly. John said that he will come by the next morning to have the work on the backyard at 10:00 a.m. to which my husband inquired if he would start the next day and finish the work the day after to which John replied that he wasn’t sure. This evening, my husband told my father-in-law of everything that has taken place thus far and immediately my father-in-law said to not trust this man and that he will not be doing the job on the property and that he will tell him that himself.
May 10, 2018 – 10:00 a.m. – John did not show up. 10:15 a.m. my father-in-law calls John to tell him not to come as John said that he was currently at another job and was on his way, and also to request for the $120 cash we provided to him back. John was rude and said that he will not be giving the money back and hung up on my father-in-law.
This situation did not sit well with me so I decided that I will immediately call him myself and be nice and try to reason with him. I introduced myself and said that I was my husband’s wife and we didn’t meet in person but he met my husband and that he just spoke to my father-in-law. I sincerely told John that I did not want to create any trouble by discussing with him about the matter and I told him that I’m a new mom and that I paid that money out of my own pocket to which his response was that he has 8 kids and "to get to the point, I’m working" he said. I told him that I want my money back and he said that he already bought the material and now has to return it and I’m not getting the money back to which I responded, "I’m calling the police on you." John said, "Go ahead, call the police." and hung up on me.
I immediately called Brampton police and was advised to contact the and report him and also to contact Small Claims Court as well. I called Small Claims Court but they mentioned to me that they can’t do anything until there is something in "action". To which I would have to hire a lawyer and quite frankly, I don’t have money for a lawyer. I also called the church to advise them of what happened so that they can take down the sign before someone else gets scammed.
While I was on the phone with the police, John tried calling me again. After I got off the phone with the police, I tried to call John back but no answer. A minute later, John calls me and acted like he didn’t know who he was speaking to and when I told him who I was, I told him that he called me so I was returning his call and his response was "I dunno, but you people are weird. Bye."
I haven’t had any contact with John since and have also told my husband of what has went on as well and not to contact John.
After doing some online research with the only information I have of him, his phone number, name and picture of his advertisement, I see that John is associated with more than just this business…to which you can’t even find "MadeBetter LANDSCAPING" online anywhere. I’ve taken pictures of my findings but noticed that I cannot attach more than one picture to this claim. If you require them, I’m happy to send them over, just contact me to let me know. I attached the picture of the original sign we found to contact John in the first place. "GTA Landscaping / Snow Removal and Property Maintenance" is another company I found with his contact information online by searching his phone number – 647-449-4619 and I also noticed an email address linked with his contact information as well [email protected] These ads were all posted on by the looks of it by Google search but when you go to click on the ad, it doesn’t appear as it was taken down.