Victim Location 79912
Total money lost $400
Type of a scam Counterfeit Product
Facial products are brought to El Paso from zBaldwin Park, CA. A one woman employee of Le Siluette Cosmetics. Calls herself a Manager. Difficult to believe one individual is in chare of a company. Data base shows company is non-existent. We are told these products are made in LA, CA. Checked different ways. City of LA. County of LA. State Secretary of LA, CA. Company not listed Anywhere! I called City Hall in Baldwin Park, CA, where Teresa Perez lives. Finance explained to me, have name of person, phone number and information she gave me. Teresa had license to sell only from 1998 -2005. Name of company was Le Fini -Le Siluette. No Tax ID number, yet they charge sales tax. After 2005, she no longer had any kind of license. Thus, Le Siluette Cosmetics appeared. The individual selling products, and there are others, lives at 6700 Escondido C-1. Also does facials without cosmetology license. Zone is not allowed for having any kind of businesses. She has been warned, but to no avail. Too much to list. Someone has to stop this scam.