Victim Location 72078
Type of a scam Debt Collections
I was notified by an unknown number on 11/2/2015 from a different county in the state I live in (Arkansas) that I was being served a summons and if I needed information to call 832-648-7436 and a claim number of CV3197. I called the number that afternoon after 430 and there was no answer and just a voicemail that said leave a message (it was generic). The next morning I called and got to talk with an individual named Clyde. When the person answered all I heard was Law offices. There was no other name mentioned. After talking with Clyde I was told that I owed from a payday lender, he didn’t know the exact name as "they change their name all the time". I did have a bill or debt from a place like this back in 2011 and have paid that off and have the receitps showing I have. I ended up giving him my credit card info because he said they would send me the email with all the documents. I have yet to receive that email. The law office they said they were from is Law Offices of ADR and that the debtor was Anazi Group.