Victim Location 48603
Type of a scam Online Purchase
The page is claiming to be a company selling kitchen appliances, cookware, etc. The page is not very functional (Filtering by category does not work, though a google search of ‘kitchen institute’ and a product, such a s ‘dutch oven’ will bring you to a page).
I became suspicious of the supposed company when I navigated to their About page and found no company info or address. The site simply states that they ‘ship out of Reno, NV’ and gives an email. I finally found an address in the Contact section.
The site is also copyrighted for 2017, so the site is very new.
The final mark of suspicion occurred when I was on the purchase page of one of the products, and I clicked the product image -the image redirected to a page on, with the same product!
I googled the company’s address, and found a second website, with the exact same theme and layout, called Deal Center!
The address is the address of a post office.
I do not know if anyone has been won over by this site, but I hope that people will learn about this site and avoid it. It isn’t even registered anywhere, so I can’t submit an actual review.