Kii Havanese

Ashleigh – May 29, 2020

They are now using the name xiphavanese! Same pups and same scamming nonsense. I will continue to look for them daily and report them as often as possible.

Sara – May 19, 2020


Sometime around April I came across this site looking for a pup. I read over their long convincing website and wanted to reach out to the seller. Their website says call or text so of course I tried calling because I wanted to know more info and I’m bad at communicating over text. Every time I tried calling it would give me a busy tone and then hang up. So I assumed they were busy. Tried calling again the next day… nothing. I then sent out a message through their site and got a text about an hour after with a totally different number and area code asking which pup was I interested in and where was I located… no introduction just straight to it so I was like okay.. showed him which pup and told him my location. So then he asked if I was picking up or if I wanted the pup to be shipped so I asked If I could call him because I had questions and wanted more info.
Keep in mind their site says CALL OR TEXT…
so then he responded and I quote ” we are obligated to keep every conversion that goes on here when it comes to financial commitment” because “things said on phone can be twisted”
That was my first sign of scam…
Although it somewhat makes sense I guess… No seller should avoid calls over the phone. So I said whatever and went with it and I had to ask him like 3 times if he could walk me through the process bcus I’ve never shipped a dog to me before and with everything going on with the world it’s hard to tell how to get a pup right now.
Every time I asked a question he would completely avoid any details and went straight to prices. He was only concerned on the money. Which there was my second sign. His responses was also very short and sketchy…

So then I asked if I could see more pictures of the pup I chose and he sent me the same pics from the site and I asked if he had any more recent ones and he said those were the most recent ones… that it was “the second day of them being up for sale” (also the same pups are still on this site since april… I know damn sure these pups would’ve sold by now..)
So by this point I obviously knew it was a scam but I wanted to see what else this guy got…
So then I played along and said i’m really interested but “my boyfriend wanted more details” and that he wanted to talk over the phone in order to proceed.
He finally agreed and called me… (This guy had the strongest accent I couldn’t understand him very well, he didn’t seem to know much English but their site has this whole explanation how much they care with perfect grammar…)

I looked up for info on being scammed from sellers like this and AKC gave really good spot on advice.
If you notice their site says AKC approved which in that case you can call AKC and ask if this is a seller and ask about reviews on the seller…
With that being said I asked him a lot questions and the one that ticked him off was my final question if he was registered on AKC and he said no and then I told him well on your site it says you are… He got really upset and said if you think we are a scam then try locally.
Please pleassssseeee don’t give any money out until you have enough information… Do your research. Often times we get so distracted on how adorable the pups are and don’t realize were being scammed.

Jonathon – Jul 06, 2020

Thank you for saving me the grief of proceeding. This is the second site that we’ve seen that’s a scam.

Paula – Jun 19, 2020

Anyone was able to return their money?
We lost $1400 too, ( through unfortunately that time I didn’t find these comments. Looks like there is no way we can return our money. Bank don’t do anything. Please let me know if someone was able to somehow get his/her money back.
Please text me if you know any way to do it, number: 8326601803

Diana – May 29, 2020

Unfortunately we didnt realize it was a scam until we gave them 750. That was in feb or march. Still the same pups on the site.

Ramon – Apr 19, 2020

Victim Location 29072

Total money lost $750

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

Dillion Pot if that is even his real name scammed us after we started looking for a dog. In hard times we knew we had to do this over the internet. So we visit his site with puppies available. The one we want is available. He also says that he ships his puppies. Which was a plus since we would need shipping. Dillion continued to text with me but as I asked further questions it seemed to be very sketchy. I had already sent him our money to get the process rolling. The more and more we talked the more I knew this was a huge scam. We even talked with him on the phone. He could not produce an in person picture of this puppy. I canceled everything with him and asked for a refund. He would not return our money.

Arthur – May 18, 2020

Exact same with us. Heartbreaking.

Katrina – Apr 07, 2020

Victim Location 93619

Total money lost $500

Type of a scam Other

I contacted this seller to purchase a Havanese puppy as advertised in the website. I sent $500 over zelle and then got uncomfortable with her responses. She refuses to provide more pictures or information about puppy and she is not reimbursing me either.

Dominique – May 30, 2020

Very sorry this happened to you guys. I was VERY close to getting a Havanese from these guys as well. But, unfortunately this Scam Site that now knows KII or KIII Havanese is/was a scam (scampulse) didn’t have them listed. I just looked up what a scam is and the bottom line is you shouldn’t buy a dog over the internet. I really hope you get your money back , all of you. During my experience, I texted a bunch of times with the guy they had working the day I saw the site. Zelle is what he wanted to use. I bombarded him with questions and asked why he never spoke with me, he called, the call was weird, I asked how at the airport I can pick up the dog, he said he did it all of the time. I said, and! You didn’t answer my question, how do I pickup the puppy at the airport? Where do I go? Please don’t give up, stay on these clowns, they will show up again somewhere, let’s nail them. He said they were in Texas. He aslo said that other people were getting puppies that day. Plus, he was much cheaper than real Havanese breeders and 250% less than the Pet Stores for Havanese. Something was fishy. Kimberly, I hope you get your $750 back, same to the anonymous person who lost $500.00. Andrea, hope you get your $$ back as well. We need the IP address of the site. I am guessing that law enforcement can arrest if we find out where these clowns are! Havanese are beautiful dogs and truly companion dogs! To use that as a scam is truly abhorrent! You will be caught you clowns! You will!

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