Key Freight Express / Maine Coon kittens

Dennis – Aug 28, 2020

Victim Location 98502

Total money lost $4,830

Type of a scam Online Purchase

The following text have been provided to both the Norfolk VA and Commonwealth District Atty., respectively. A similar text has been presented to the Norfolk Police Dept.: Text prepared for the Norfolk VA Better Business Bureau, sent August 24, 2020: On July 23, 2020 my partner and I "contracted" verbally/monetarily with Aiden Maine [censored] Kittens (Aiden; 1-757-702-4645; [email protected]; to purchase and deliver two (2) Maine [censored] kittens to our Olympia WA residence. We made initial purchase and delivery/transport payments in order to receive the kittens July 24, 2020 through the transporter, Key Freight Express (KFE; 1-703-672-1692; [email protected]; However, they (KFE) began requesting additional monies for additional transport and other "special" services (e.g., pressurized crates, local "permits", vet shots, and finally "pet life insurance" – before the "supposed" kittens could begin their journey from Alexandria VA to Olympia Oregon. At a point we refused to pay additional monies before we were already out $4,830.00 paid thru CASH APP, the preferred money transfer process by Aiden and KFE. Consequently, since we refused to pay ALL of the monies requested by Aiden/KFE we didn’t receive the "supposed" kittens. Since July 25, 2020 we’ve mailed letters, sent emails and txts, made phone calls, and made website contacts to request a FULL refund as their website and verbal statements indicate would happen if not completely satisfied, but not surprisingly resulting in no return communication or refund. We’ve also made formal complaints to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and await their subsequent contact. We also contacted the VA State Police but they are not able to investigate. We’ve yet heard from the VA State Atty. General’s office, nor the Norfolk Police Dept. and District Atty. We feel that it’s not an important enough issue for any/all these agencies to follow up on because it’s just another Senior Couple being ripped off of some of their precious savings by unscrupulous and fraudulent predators successfully absconding with peoples monetary resources. However, we’re hoping Norfolk can provide some other means of assistance/pursuit. Thanks in advance … D A Jones; Following text prepared for the Norfolk VA Commonwealth/District Attorney, sent August 24, 2020: Dear Norfolk VA City/Commonwealth Attorney Underwood: I’m writing to you to request your assistance in recovering a substantial expenditure from a purported business located there in Norfolk, VA. My partner and I sent monies from our savings to purchase two (2) Maine [censored] kittens and have them subsequently transported to our residence in Olympia WA. After our initial purchase/transport payments were provided we were requested to pay additional "fees", e.g., for "special pressurized crates", local "transport licenses", vet tranquilizer shots, and finally a request for "pet life insurance" which we didn’t pay as we then became suspicious and decided it was way to much. We were not wary enough soon enough as some of these fees seemed reasonable and they were deemed "totally refundable" as stated on the breeders website and verbally from the transporter. We expended a total of $4,830.00 for these kittens and their delivery, which of course we never received; of this expenditure we should have received back all but the initial output of $1190.00 for their purchase, and in retrospect most of the fees seemed reasonable because of the refund promise of whom I’ve also made two (2) contact attempts for them to explore/investigate these fake business relevant to there own private party records, but without return communication to-date. These transactions were made thru the CASH APP money transfer application, However, being deceived as we were we’re quite angry about this theft of our savings. We’ve filed complaints with the Fed. Trade Comm., the FBI, the Norfolk VA BBB, two (2) local TV stations, and made multiple attempts to re-connect with the "fraudsters" !!! ** This is real, internet fraud, not suspected or "alleged" in legal parlance, and we want total recovery of our expenditure and rightful and appropriate prosecution of the individuals involved in this financial internet theft if they can be apprehended. The email and website addresses are still accessible online, and phone numbers appear to still be "alive". ** Therefore, if you’re able to look into these two (2) companies relevant to their internet theft and be able to assist in our recovery we would be eternally grateful. And, if not adequately able to do that we would appreciate suggestions of how else we can pursue the identification and arrest of these companies and "company" individuals. The following MS Word document attachment provides my submitted FBI complaint synopsis and the purported names of individuals, purported owner and transport company, we emailed, talked to and texted, and their email, website, and their website’s contact information for investigative purposes.

A more accurate account of monies expended can be provided on request after I’m able to consolidate all transactions as well as text mssgs.

Sincerely – **** ****** ************* **************

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