Victim Location 98092
Type of a scam Employment
We are contacting you because we have found your resume on a recruiting website.
Please continue reading the description of the job we are offering as well as a short introduction about our company.
Overseas Medical Supplies has a proud history of excellence in the distribution of medical equipment internationally on which we continue to build. Our highly qualified local sales teams are committed to delivering the best possible service to the end user and this is reflected in our ability to not only attract new customers but also keep existing ones despite tough competJob Title
The position we offer is that of a Financier Agent, by which you will be able to assist us, through various financial instruments, in streamlining collections as a consequence to the sale of products and services. Even though you will not be directly involved in sales, the position we offer bears a substantial impact on the company profit by reducing or eliminating certain payment and transfer delays. Given the sensitive nature implied by financial information work, the salary and the bonuses are rather substantial.
We need someone who can receive the money through this method of payment. Regarding the check process all you have to do is to receive the checks our customers will send to your address, take them to your bank, cash them and send the remainder amount to us. All fees for transferring money will be supported from our share. Bonuses will apply for cashing checks in same day or within 24 hours.