Victim Location 54481
Type of a scam Other
I found a website that offers teacup pug puppies for $400.00 and free shipping to any where in the United States. And on their web page it stated that they were from Chicago IL. I live in Wisconsin so I asked for their name, address and phone number so we could come and see the puppies and get one instead of having them ship the puppy,and I have received no answer what so ever. And thank god for reading some of the other scams for pug puppies that I didn’t go any further. When I didn’t receive any answers back after asking for their address and phone number it dawned on me that its a scam. This was the email I had gotten. Â "Thanks for getting back to me about my puppies. I have available Teacup pug puppies which i am giving out right now for adoption. They are raised in my home with children, already spoiled.
These teacup pugs puppies have the following details:
Sex: Males and Females
Specie: Teacup Pug puppies
age: 10 weeks old
Recognition: registered
Health Problems: no health problem
Living Conditions: They can live anywhere.
Trained: Potty Trained
Health Condition: excellent in health condition,vet checked,registered and confirmed health guarantee.
They shall come along with all their papers. I am located in Chicago, IL from where these puppies will be coming from and i am giving them out for adoption with an adoption fee of $400 for one puppy and $700 if you are taking two puppies. this includes all facilities and this is all you are going to pay in other to have these puppies.
Can you tell me more about your self ?
Have you a pet before?
Do you have kids?
Will you be getting more than one or which sex do your prefer?
Do you have a VET hospital around you, where these puppies will be
taken to be checked up?
Where are you located?
Below are their pics.
Waiting to read from you ASAP
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