Victim Location 74464
Type of a scam Charity
Hello, I’m Agent James Bell, the online claiming agent from the 211 department of the GACS (global Assistance and community support) & federal government humanity and poverty eradication for all. If you are here to claim your winning money kindly get back to me with your full name to verify if your name is still on our winners list.The Government The United States government grants and Private Grant Foundations by New home care and family compensation appeal board federal Govt for assisting people .. give away billions in free money every year to millions of US Citizens and  United nation all over the world just like you. These are free cash grants that all US tax paying citizens are entitled to and should take advantage of. This free money can be used for almost anything you can imagine. In fact right now people are being approved for large sums of money to start a business, pay for their education, medical bills, and even to buy a house.we Embarked on a worldwide promotion for Deaf ,Hearing and Retire Workers, A Sophisticated Automated Database to Randomly select of E-mail Accounts that frequently surf the Internet.Consequent upon this, Your Facebook Profice Account name was picked for Category A Winners, you have been selected as a winner of the grants.We Are United Power To Success and Focus For Deaf People, Hearing, Poor and Retire Workers in the Community, Supported By The United State Of America Government and .(GGF) let us know if you are ready to claim the money now ?Green-Grant Fund (GGF)is helping people get funds that they require to carry out their life long dreams and aspirations of a fulfilling life, by making a claiming! You are applying for our help funds program to begin, we will save your full information i ask you in our date base then we will process your profile for grant claims. As soon as your application is confirmed you’ll receive your claims code information. Also you will be required a PAYMENT FEES for Tax Clearance and (fed ex ) Delivery fees to deliver your money to you at your address. This will take effect as soon as your application is granted and we can give you the funds. The money grant is NOT A LOAN and you don’t have to pay us back once we deliver you the money grant.