ISupport Experts LLC.

Jordan –

Victim Location 85712

Type of a scam Credit Cards

Computer ALERT Screen flashed on my computer, and simultaneously a recording started playing indicating the same info as on the screen… MSG: I had just been ‘attacked’ by a "…… pornographic spyware virus", and there was a number to call Immediately – 844-616-8675. If I didn’t call the number, my computer would be compromised or disabled in some way ( I don’t remember the exact details about what would be disabled). I got ‘hooked’ and called, and they said they would have to access my computer and see what the problem was. I let them access my machine and they pulled up a screen from somewhere that listed a bunch of IP addresses with a notation of connection "ESTABLISHED". They pointed out that these were clearly ‘bad’ folks that were, or had been, accessing my computer and stealing my ID Information. They said they could ‘clean these up’ and stop future access for $200. Unfortunately, I was pressed for time at the moment because I had to leave my house to attend an important meeting, so I didn’t think it through and let them proceed. I gave them my CC info and left for my meeting. Two hours later when I returned, I first called Applecare, since I have Mac Pro, and they immediately gave my the bad news that I had been Scammed! I called the scammer’s number, told them briefly that I was aware that it was a scam, expressed my anger and hung up. Then I had to cancel my card, and get a new one from the bank. Fortunately, the bank caught the charge before it had cleared their system, so I didn’t end up losing the $199.99.

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