Victim Location 06450
Type of a scam Debt Collections
This has to be a scam. My name but not even close to my SSN nor address. Others are stating they received the same exact email. I do not know who or what this company is and who I could have possibly borrowed $500 from and not paid back.
December 19, 2019
Dear: ***
S.S.N: ***
Address: *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** This is to notify you that ***, is currently in default under its obligations to INTERSTATE CORPORATIONS, in the amount of $1,360.00.
Our company name is a INTERSTATE CORPORATIONS, which stands for the association of the original creditor and Settlement Company.
This is regarding online loan which was borrowed by you. We are recommended to collect all types of loans remaining on your name. Unfortunately, we have received a legal case file which is pending in the amount of $1,360. 00 on your name and on your social security number with all of your personal details clearly listed in the affidavit and your social as a primary suspect in this case file and your S.S.N (***) so reply me on my email as soon as possible as this is the prior notification to you before your case file gets downloaded inside the courthouse.
We are hereby to inform you that you are going to be legally prosecuted in the courthouse within a (7) seven of days. Your SSN is put on hold by the United States Government, so before something goes wrong we would like to notify you about this matter.
The client has never paid that money back to the company & today the outstanding dues are $1,360. 00, if you are ready to resolve this matter outside the court house then contact us at your earliest convenience,
Borrower’s Name: ***
Case File Number
The cost of your credit as a yearly rate
Amount of credit provided to you or on your behalf.
Amount of late fees, penalty fees and interest charges.
The amount you have to pay including all charges and payments.
We regret to advise that unless payment is received by Dec 25, 2019 this collection will be passed over to our lawyer. This could seriously affect your credit rating and therefore urge you contact us immediately to make payment or arrange an alternative before this date.
Therefore, demand is hereby made upon you for payment of the entire balance due on said note in the amount of $1,360.00, including interest accrued to date if the entire amount due is not received on or before 12/25/2019, we shall instruct legal counsel to commence legal proceedings against you.
IF you want to settle this account without any legal procedures and discuss anything please contact us by on this email undersigned immediately,
Reply me back immediately with your final answer so we can be in a position whether to put hold on your case file or to proceed it inside the courthouse,
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
The information contained in this communication is privileged, confidential and is proprietary. This email is solely intended for the use of the addressee. Information in this mail is for FCI (Financial Crime and Investigation Department) Usage only. Any use to other than the addressee is misuse and infringement to Proprietorship of FCI (Financial Crime and Investigation Department). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email or any action or omission taken by you in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately.
Victim Location 32221
Type of a scam Debt Collections
I received an email with my ssn and other personal information. They are requesting that I send them $1360.00 for an unpaid balance. However, when I left this apartment I did not owe a dime! I contacted the apartment complex and they informed me that they do not use this company and never heard of them.