International Fundraising Consultancy

Tara –

Victim Location 48060

Type of a scam Charity

The contact was made through Facebook messenger. They messaged me as one of my friends saying they had something they wanted to share with me. They said they had gotten money from this group and sent me the link. The link was to a Facebook page as well as way to send a message to them. I sent a message and they responded back telling me how they could help. Then asked for information about me and my purpose for applying. Sent the information and they sent back they were verifying my information. Then sent back the amounts I was able to get along with the shipping fees for each amount. After telling them I didn’t have the money for the fee ($1,800.00) for $55,000.00 they asked how much I could send them. After I told them they said I could but I would have to a Steam gift card in $100 amounts for the total of $500. Never sent money after finally figuring out it was a scam. I wanted to believe my friend.

Regina –

Victim Location 33904

Total money lost $1,000

Type of a scam Other

I was contacted thru a friends facebook messenger page for Universal Service Fund. It went to being text, his number is 202-540-0667. If I sent $1000.00 I would get $20,000.00 sent to me in 24 hours. I unfortunately sent the money thru money gram. He keeps texting me for more money.

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