Victim Location 77045
Type of a scam Nigerian/Foreign Money Exchange
I recieved this email from this company saying that thier was online account credited on a account that i never had.the man proving to work for this company wanted me to pay$185.00 for a huge amount of money and i never give him the infomation and i didnt have a any bank account in any state inducdling the state that i live in.and next thing i know i get a email from someone who i think might be working with this person seemed to think that i had something to due with the scam and tryed explain to this person and her husband that am not involved in this .i was told my this couple that they would put in jail and insulted me demanding me to pay thier money back i never take anything from anyone. And they claim that they spoke to me which they never did i dont know this people or his man recived many emails from this women and they finally stop Christmas day since i stop contacting them.i know someone has stolen my personal email and they are acting as me but unfortunately i dont know you this person this but i believe this person is from Nigeria.and this has been going on for over 2 years now and i to know who is this so i can get this person or people to stop using my email. This getting out of control.