Victim Location 76133
Type of a scam Employment
I applied for personal assistant job on Craigslist and didn’t hear back so assumed I didn’t get it. I was seeking PT work. I then received an offer letter and text offering employment without an interview or call. Skeptical obviously. I can see that someone would maybe fall for this so sharing to prevent hopefully. Asked to setup USAA account and possibly not ever having interview and I’m hired?! Called number blocked and person had accent and didn’t answer with company name. Then I checked the website out and none of the links to social media or reporting claim, etc. worked. Only his name and number listed everywhere — no one else works there?! I contacted the building they said they had an office in and haven’t heard back but know they don’t office there. FB page has no info, Linked In seemed very nebulous. Beware of this scam and don’t move any further. Hoping they can stop this person and I hope no one falls for this garbage. See attached offer letter.