Impersonating Elevian Inc.

Melanie – Jun 19, 2020

Victim Location 28326

Type of a scam Employment

Work from Home: Administrative Assistant Job

This will be a lot to ready but you will need this information to compare with fake jobs you are offered.

Recently I attended a job fair and uploaded my resume to their site. I later learned that 3rd party companies have access to your information from these sites. One day later I received an email stating that they received my resume. I assumed the email was connected to the job fair. Their email letter explained that they had received my resume and read as such…

Dear Applicant,

Our HR Dept has reviewed your resume and you have made it to the next step. The positions available are ( Customer Service Rep/ Administrative Assistant ) Your resume has been reviewed and you have been shortlisted for the next step. We are pleased to invite you to an Online Interview for the position. You are required to contact the Personnel Manager Mr. Kevin Hatfield He will brief you more concerning the position and company.

The Job briefing and interview session will be conducted online via Telegram Messenger app.

Are you familiar with Telegram Messenger? If not, You are required to download the app on Google Playstore or Appstore, you can also click on the link provided below to download the app ( ). Once you are done with the download, you are to set up an account with your Contact number / name and Add up the Hiring Manager Mr.Kevin Hatfield by clicking on the following LINK You should also send a message to him in regards for an online interview. Here is your Hiring Code – ELEV015

Once I downloaded the app. We continued to communicate via messaging. Our briefing and interview sessions was done over the telegraph app messaging. The scammer’s name was Kevin Hatfield, hiring manager of Elevian, Inc. This is the name of a real company. They sent me the link to the site. But the day before I searched the name on google, so I was not suspicious at the beginning. He instructed me to read over the company’s website while we continue with the interview and then provided me a list of job discription: These are the requirements for the Job…Must be 18 years of age or older, High school diploma/GED required, Ability to remain professional and courteous with customers at all times, Must be available to work occasional nights, holidays and weekends, Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

They proceeded to tell me, this is strictly an online and work from home job the working hours are flexible and you can chose to work from anywhere of your choice, the base pay is $18 per hour while training is $27 per hour and you will be getting payment bi weekly or weekly via direct deposit or paycheck and the maximum amount you can work a week is 45 hours. ,if you are employed you are going to be working as a full employee. Then I must report at 8:00 promptly everyday. Administrative Assistant DUTIES are: Tracks data and source documents. Prepares and sorts source documents, and identifies and interprets data to be entered. Compiles, sorts and verifies data for accuracy. Contacts responsible parties to resolve moderately complex questions, inconsistencies, or missing data. Enters alphabetic, numeric, or symbolic data from source documents into computer following format displayed on screen, and enters necessary codes. Compares data entered with source documents identifying errors and subsequently correcting any errors. Files or routes source documents after entry. Responds to inquires regarding entered data. Maintains daily count of work processed….Can you handle that?

Next, they told me I would be eligible to Benefits after 2 months of working with the company, Benefits offered are Health Insurance / Vacations / Bonuses which will be explain more better in your offer letter

You will be undergoing a 5 day training and orientation which will commence as soon as you have all working materials and you are rest assured that you will be paid for it Okay?

Then there were a battery of questions.

How would you like to be Paid ? Weekly Or Bi-Weekly?

• What means of payment do you prefer ? Direct deposit , Check , Wire Transfer ?

• What Bank Do you Operate with to see if it tallies with the company’s official salary payment account ?

Hold on online while i send your answers to my superiors for review and consideration okay. I am back now..the result for the interview is on my desk are you still available online? (I said yes) then next there was a big. Congratulations, your performance ensured you had a good score eligible for enrollment into our weekly routine training programmer. You scored 7.5 out of a possible 10. , you have just been confirmed qualified for this position. You are now offered the job position…you are HIRED! CONGRATULATIONS!

You are welcome to (Elevian, Inc) . You are now given a chance to show your commitment,charisma,diligence and be a productive employee

How do you feel now ? I believe the company can count on your devotion? I said, I am excited and ready to start my new position at Elevian, Inc. Is there a possible ETA on when I may receive my training program window? There reply was, as soon as your working equipments are available, My superior’s will reach you in person along with your Position offer-documents and your working paper’s. Also they will put you through our company guidelines under US Human Resources Laws and Regulations, you would be eligible to Benefits after 2 month of working with the company CONGRATULATION

Next they gave me a long list of items I will need to complete my job duties. I asked if I would be responsible for purchasing these items and software. Their reply was no that the company would seed me a check to cover the cost and that I must buy the software from their designated clients. You will need some materials/softwares and also a time tracker to commence your training and orientation and also you need the software to get started with work…the work of the time tracker is to calculate your hours worked since this is an online work from home.

Here are the name’s of the software’s and office supplies you will need to start working with are:

*Phaseware 0.2




*SupportCenter Plus

*LiveHelpNow Suite

*AtivaÆ 20-Sheet Cross-Cut Shredder

*Office Starô Professional Deluxe MatrexÆ Mesh Chair, 55"H x 27"W x 27"D, Gunmetal Frame, Black Fabric

Among other things I was encouraged that the company would cover the cost of all supplies and that I would receive a check for the purchase of these materials and software.

The funds for the software and office supplies will be provided for you by the company via check …Make sure you use them as instructed for the software and i will refer you to the vendor you are to purchase them from okay. As soon as the check its been issued out to you i will notify you and provide you with the tracking number so you can keep track and know when it will get to you okay

NOTE: All Equipments and softwares are to be purchased from the company’s accredited vendor.. We have been buying from this Vendor for years now…Thats because all materials will be Customized in your names and the Company Logo and shipped to you via FedEx or USPS.

As soon as the check its been issued out to you i will notify you and provide you with the tracking number so you can keep track of it and be on look out for it, report online as soon as you have it so i can give you further instructions and i will refer you to the vendor you will be purchasing the materials from…Okay ?

Soooo why did I describe the scam in such detail? Because that’s how real it feels. YOU really think you are speaking with a legitimate representatives. When I began asking specific question about the job or company they would answer but avoided the questions and reiterated I would be pay for training and the benefits I will receive after 2 months They only offered a contract because I asked about one. Each day they had to ask me what my information was and another day they asked for the second time did I finish the paperwork/contract. I begin to think something strange is going on. The other thing was the way their dialog changed. They begin to say Okay! a lot. The next day I asked them about the contract they sent me what looked very unprofessional. It was very general, gave work ours which was different then what was mentioned. Benefits and a company link for policies, and procedures to include the Elevian, Inc CEO signature. The link went no were. I reached out to the scammer with suspension because the hiring letter and contract was so unprofessional. I asked them what agency sent my resume? Then I reached out to both agencies, they did not have this company listed as one they work with. Then I asked what was the phone number to the company since it was not on the website. This is when I was given the cold shoulder. For two day I would ask for the phone number and suddenly all communication STOPPED!!!.

When I visited I was surprised that all the same details others had experienced with these scammers where very very similar and in some cases the word usage was the same.

No money was lost but I don’t like that I gave my full name and address. I can’t imagine what they need it for. Sooo keep an eye on all your accounts and public information, inform your bank, credit card and any thing else you think they may be using your information for. Finally, search your name for fraud use.

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