Imperical Teutonic Knights

Stephen –

Victim Location 55593

Total money lost $300

Type of a scam Charity

The website of the Imperial Teutonic Knights ( is a spoof and fraud and scam of the legitimate organization of the Teutonic Knights (Deutscher Orden).

Although exceptionally well-done and informative and historically accurate, the fraudulent Imperial Teutonic Knights website presents itself as a legitimate representative of the established and centuries-old Teutonic Knights presently based in Vienna, Austria, and Bad Mergentheim, Germany. The fraud/scam here is perpetrated through the membership charge/fee of Euro 150. The Imperial Teutonic Knights website is in no way affiliated with or a representative of the legitimate home office in Vienna, Austria. The website usurps emblems and crests and photos that are not its legal possession, rather belong to the Prussian royal House of Hohenzollern and the Deutscher Orden. This fraudulent online presence seeks to deceive the general public into believing that a membership here will support the work and efforts of the offices in Vienna and Bad Mergentheim. The server is in the USA so it is difficult for the european-based offices to take legal action.

online complaint

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Here are the legitimate sites:

House of Hohenzollern

Head of the Teutonic Knights, Vienna, Austria

Museum of the Teutonic Knights

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