Hydra Skin Sciences

Rebecca –

Victim Location 30116

Total money lost $212

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Company offers a "free trial" with $4.95 in shipping costs. When you choose to try this free offer, the website automatically charges you an additional $4.95 for another product. (Brio and Allegro). The products arrived after several days and then within three weeks, the company charged my bank account with $103 and $109 for these "free products". When I called to complain, they refused to credit the money to my account and offered to return 40% of the money. When I asked for a supervisor, they offered to let me return the product and they would credit my account $89 for each product. This is a shady operation and should be closed down.

Mary –

Victim Location 91350

Total money lost $50

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Hydra Skin Scineces (www.HydraSkinSciences.com) placed an ad on Facebook for a free trial of their new day and night serum. Interested consumers click on a link to order a 14 day supply for just the cost of shipping.

I followed the link, requested my free trail and in the middle of my transaction their website failed. I wasn’t even sure if my order went through. It did and the product arrived on my door with just a fancy booklet for each. No invoice, no customer service info etc.

On May 3rd my account was charged for $109 for one product and $103 for the other! No where in their original website did it mention that I was going to be charged this amount for their product. That’s not even something I would consider. Maybe if their website hadn’t crashed in the middle of my transaction I might have seen the fine print of this scam.

I sent an email immediately to cancel. I received an email back explaining why they wouldn’t be refunding my order amount. I called today to ensure they have cancelled my account and check on a refund. I was told that they want me to mail the trial amounts back, on my dime, and they will be charging me $20 for each product as a "restocking" fee. Their product isn’t even worth the $20 they are charging for a "restocking" fee.

This is now a little over $50 being charged to me for the "pleasure" of doing business with them and returning their product…..BUYER BEWARE. This is not a reputable company.

The customer service agent I spoke with got aggressive with me about processing the refund, etc. Please look into this company.

I received the following contact address and their customer service numbers:

14925 Heritage Crest Way

Bluffdale, UT 84065

Customer Service: 877-862-9840.

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