Alexis –

Victim Location 28526

Total money lost $22

Type of a scam Other

In an attempt to change the address on my driver’s license I searched for a way to complete the task online. I was directed to a site and assumed that it was legitimate means to correct my address. I clicked the links that said "Change Address on Driver License" "Choose State" "Get Started". I filled out the application, submitted my payment of $22, and waited for my new license to arrive. It never arrived. A week and half later I found a strange email in my inbox congratulating me on my purchase of the "official" Road Advisors Guide with an 888 contact number and link to customer support site. When I tried to click the link for the site my work’s firewall stopped it because it was a suspicious IP out of Brazil. I never received whatever I supposedly paid for and ended up at the DMV, despite my efforts.

Now some creeps in Brazil have my account information. Don’t make the same mistake I did.

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