Carmen –

Total money lost $4,800

Type of a scam CryptoCurrency

This began in March of 2019. I looked at an ad on Instagram and liked the ad. A couple days later a person private messaged me asking me if I thought of investing in bitcoin. I said yes. After looking at there website I thought they were legit so I give them $1000.00 USD to get started. A couple weeks later they said I had to do an upgrade with a fee of $3000.00 USD so I paid it. A couple weeks later when came time to do withdrawal accounts were supposed to be empty but there was a remainder of $400 so I had to pay this to empty account. Then when I tried to withdrawal my money it loaded to 50% then got an email saying I had to pay $15000.00 USD for a tax transfer PIN number in order to get my money. They said I have to pay this because It’s my first time doing a withdrawal. That’s where I called it quits. I sent the first $1000 to the USA then the $3000 to Germany then an additional $800 to Nigeria and I have all the receipts. I feel I’ve been scammed

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