Lawrence – Aug 03, 2020

Not a good one. I was skeptical but sent money for application process to two to three people. Then I sent a deposit 750 which was the scam. Now I am on the phone with Chase disputing the money…

Devin – Jul 23, 2020

Victim Location 30741

Type of a scam Rental

Someone had copied my text and photos of my rental house and posted it in the website. This has happened to us before so constantly do a search online to see if there are any fraudulent listed. If we find one we can contact the company and they will take it down. The website has ignored my request and it is still up. Unfortunately one family send them money. I feel sorry for them. It is also a major headach for us. Reading reviews on this company most if not all the listing are fraudulent. This website should be investigated and shut down.

Randy – Feb 28, 2020

Victim Location 97060

Type of a scam Rental

After seeing several house listings on the pngage that seemed to good to be true I cross checked the addresses with other more trusted websites (Zillow, Trulia etc) those same addresses came up as off the market. I decided to call one of the phone numbers given on the listings and there was no answer. I then recieved a text from the phone number. While texting with the person I asked for a viewing the person at first said sure then said they are actually out of the state due to a work transfer etc. – will be adding a screen shot

Randi –

Victim Location 27889

Type of a scam Rental

This house is offered for rent. It is not for rent. It is listed at 1/2 the going rate. The phone number and contact name are the owner, but the email must go to the scammer.

Shannon –

Victim Location 48650

Type of a scam Rental

We had someone come by wanted to see the house we had available for rent. The only problem, it is not available for rent. Found the add for my house on with my pictures of the unit only not my contact information. I reported it to the housesforrent website only to discover a new add for my unit with a different contact number the next day. I do not believe the website is a legitimate site and warn anyone to stay away from it. The add for my home is finally down. Stay away from this site. No contact information for administrators or phone numbers to call and complain. I think the only thing I did by submitting a complaint to the website is give them a heads up I was on to the scam.

Ashleigh –

Victim Location 34744

Type of a scam Rental

While looking for houses for rent, we found this web site that showed many houses for rent in the desired area at incredible prices. One home we had already seen listed for sale last month. This morning we contacted several of the properties. Within minutes we received a response asking us which property we were interested in (funny, since the home was supposed to be for rent by owner). Then they said they were the owner but we’re out of state. Now they keep texting us: "I’m the owner of the property and I’m the right man in charge".

Jack –

Victim Location 73135

Type of a scam Rental

I’ve searched for a rental home and thought i found the one. Called the number listed on the site and then i received a text. I was amazed by the price of the place, but they asked that i pay the deposit up front to hold the house. After i went back onto the site i noticed the name of the realty and visited the property. Called the actual property and found out that it was all a scam! The person texting me continued pressuring me about when I will have the deposit so they can hold the house for me!

Levi –

Victim Location 29626

Type of a scam Rental

This website is stating that houses are cheap and available when its not there property to rent they are asking for u to look at rentals outside because they are not local and asked you to send money for rent. I did not send anything because it just didn’t sound legit. Please be careful we contacted the real estate company of the property to let them know what was happening

Jessica –

Victim Location 30241

Type of a scam Rental

I will start with luckily l did not fall for this scam. I was looking for a rental house when l happened accross on this website l saw a few house in my town, l then called the number list under the house it rings and rings and never goes to voicemail which l think is a little odd. I end up sending him a text but he did not respond. l rode to the address listed on the site and when l pulled up people were living there so l drove off. He then later responded to me that night in a text. I told him what property l was interested in and he informed me it was available and l could go see it any time. I told him that l had already been out there and saw people were living in it. He explained to me that their lease was up but soon as he had some one verified to move in thay they will move out. I told him that l was very interested in the proberty but l would really like to see inside of it before making a decision. He took a unnormal long time to respond to me when he finally did he explained that he is out of the state with work l asked how long would he be out of the state he responded with 4 years. I asked him how would l get the key to the house and then he told me his lawyer has it. So l wondered where his lawyer was located and ofcourse his lawyer was at a seminar and wouldnt be back until next week. During all this he asked multiple times when would l verify l was moving there and asked how, he said sending me the deposit. I told him l was not comfortable sending any thing with such little informations. His reply was " You dont need to worry l have a lawyer" Also when l asked what his name was he told me Brain, no last name or anything and l asked his lawyers name and again just responded with David. The last message l sent him that day was when his lawyer was going to be back in town. I will attach a screen shot of our last few messages l recieved the next day. I had already realized way earlier this was a scam. During this 3 day period of us texting l had went back to the website and saw he had house in many other states that has the same number attached. I decided to try to call a few more numbers listed under house on the site one went straight to Google calling some others l called said the text plus number is no longer available. This whole website is fake and l hope no one gets caught by the scam.

Shana –

Victim Location 79904

Type of a scam Rental

In that website there are several posting of houses for rent. When I contacted the individuals they didn’t answer my call, was sent to voicemail, and they reply by text messaging only. The houses shown on the pictures seem nice and not expensive, I went to see the following in person 10432 Warren St El Paso, Tx 79924- People are living there, couldn’t see it. The suppose landlord never reply to my messages when I asked why the property wasn’t vacant. 5716 Arrowhead Dr. El Paso Tx 79924- Suppose landlord was surprise, stating it was a wrong address, days after he said that tenants are moving out, but need to have a secure person ready to move in. 10809 Jadestone El Paso, Tx 79924- This property is vacant, but suppose landlord is asking for my information and money to begin the process, stating that because she was involve in unknown activity with a tenant got transfer. All stated that are private agencies. Haven’t been able to talk to them on phone. The Jadestone property is under Century 21 also had an ad there I called them, haven’t gotten a response back. Is not fair that I’m looking for a house and things like this happen.

Tanya –

Victim Location 95817

Type of a scam Rental

I emailed rental application with addresses, date of birth, income, driver license information, paystubs to someone posing as a home owner looking to rent a property at 807 Natoma Street, Folsom, CA which I later found for sale at $400K on zillow. I left a voice message for the real estate agent managing the property advising her of the phishing scam. Her name was *** *** and phone number ***. I also reported the scam on Houses for The web address I found the property on was: The person listed his name as Dewayne Jackson with google phone number of: 515-992-6545 and email address: [email protected]

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