Holden Parcel One LLC

Austin – Mar 09, 2020

Victim Location 75180

Total money lost $1,000

Type of a scam Employment

Holden Parcel One, LLC

10866 Wilshire Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90024

Toll-free: (855) 697-4849


Appointment letter

Dear ,

We have pleasure in confirming your appointment as a Shipping Agent subject to the terms and conditions of your Employment Agreement and Remote Employee’s Policies and Procedures. We urge you to familiarize yourself with all the relevant documents we send to you during the employment procedure and to keep these in a safe place for future reference.

We would like to confirm the remuneration terms of your appointment as follows:

Place of Employment: Home based.

Commencement date: The date of the first package shipped by you (usually 7 business days after signing of the contract).

Salary: $3500 gross per month.

Vacation: 14 days.

Allowances: $300 per month is allowed for automobile, packing and Internet expenses.

Please indicate your acceptance of this appointment and the terms thereof by signing below and by returning this letter to us via fax or email.

We look forward to a mutually rewarding association with you.

Yours faithfully,

Signed by: Bruce G. Goren,

CEO of Holden Parcel One, LLC.

I agree and accept the above terms/conditions.


Name of Applicant



Casey – Feb 25, 2020

Victim Location 33411

Type of a scam Employment

After I applied to a job offer I found on Indeed that was said to be offered by "Holden Parcel One LLC", I was contacted by "[email protected]" about a shipping agent employment opportunity via email. In that email was a detailed description of what the job requires and what is expected. After being given credentials to access the employee portal I was forwarded multiple documents to review and sign. I.e., tax forms, employee agreement, W-4, and a direct deposit form. At this point it seemed legitimate but there were obvious warning signs I didn’t notice then, that I notice now. After about a week I was sent a package along with a shipping label in which I was supposed to remove the old label and apply the new one and deliver it to my nearest UPS store. Following that, I had no contact with them for about a week so I sent them a message asking what the next steps are. I got no response and I found today that the domain used to communicate with them no longer exists. I made the mistake of sharing my entire identity with complete a stranger(s) and now there is no telling what could be done with it. As the saying goes, if it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t.

Kristopher –

Victim Location 33141

Type of a scam Employment

I was contacted by email by [email protected] They had reached out to me in regards of becoming a shipping agent for their company called Holden Parcel One, LLC. After them sending me an application process because they said my previous background fit the job well, they ended up hiring me fairly quick. I went through a portal called employee-account.com, and I had to fill out tax forms and personal information with my house address, my social security number, pictures of myself, etc in a portal that was apparently encrypted just like I would for any other job. Now, I am afraid of what to do with my information being leaked to these scammers. They had promised me $3,500 the first month and then $1750, bi weekly in which I would have to pay my own taxes, and I had even done my tax form for this reason already. Everything seemed super legit, and then I came across this website and their scam tracker and how there had already been 4 reports of them previously. I just want to know what is the next step in ensuring my info is kept safe, and to ensure this company stops doing what they are doing. They have been an active company for 11 years and I want to ensure this doesn’t keep happening. I have only worked for them for 1 week and luckily found this as soon as I did.

Jordan –

Excat same thing and time frame happened to me , I even changed my bamk account and reported to fraud at the police , if anybody else is from Houston call 7133082500 that is the fraud division

Vincent –

Yes, apparently this is a scam, and the same exact thing happened to me. I started with them around Jan. 21, and as of last week I haven’t been able to contact Adriana Diaz, who was supposed to be the manager. I felt that it was too good to be true, but I guess I wanted to believe. Anyway, now all my personal info, SS#, DOB, etc. is in their hands and all I can do is report it here and monitor my credit and protect myself from identity theft! Google results are still up for this company! There must be a way to report them not just on this forum, so that people don’t get duped by them anymore!

Russell –

Yes, I just realised it now that it’s a scam, after sending all our credentials.I just wonder what do we do next when they have all our info.

Tina –

Yes that happened to me too
Did they send you the first package too ⁉️

Tamara –

Victim Location 08232

Type of a scam Employment

I saw a job on indeed to stay home and today I realized it was a scam there is no contact except for emailing late responses and the number I have never picks up

Carl –

Victim Location 63873

Type of a scam Employment

The company contacted me after seeing my resume on Indeed. They were offering me $3,500 a month to ship packages for them. There were some red flags, so I contacted BBB. They wanted me to put my personal information into a online employment portal. ScamPulse.com advised me this was a scam.

Amber –

Victim Location 32724

Type of a scam Employment

I received an email for a job position as shipping agent. I applied and got through really fast "too fast". Then they were asking for personal information and I got skeptic so I did some research and typed in the address they gave me in my maps to see if it matches their company name. I found out it did not match and that they were many people who are being scammed via this mode. So i decided to report it

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