Hill Consultancy®

Tonya –

Victim Location 30043

Type of a scam Employment

received from LinkedIn contact-

Ingrid Vimont

Owner at Boutique Aesthetics Corp

<span title="https://www.google.com/search?q=hill+consulting+secret+shopper&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS798US798&oq=Hill+Consultancy%C2%AE&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.3295j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
https://www.google.com/search?q=hill+consulting+secret+shopper&rlz=1C1CHBF_e… />
Ingrid Vimont sent the following message at 3:19 PM

View {:firstName} profile

Ingrid Vimont

Ingrid Vimont

3:19 PM

Hi Jill,

The following vacancy may interest you. It is part time and not much time is required and the pay is good.

I have been doing this since August last year.

See details: http://tiwadara.com/wp-content/SR

Do apply. You may also introduce someone if possible.

Thank you,

Ingrid Vimont


Secret Shopper® Actionable Intelligence Delivered


Ingrid Vimont sent the following message at 3:19 PM

View {:firstName} profile

Ingrid Vimont

Ingrid Vimont

3:19 PM

Hi Jill,

The following vacancy may interest you. It is part time and not much time is required and the pay is good.

I have been doing this since August last year.

See details: http://tiwadara.com/wp-content/SR

Do apply. You may also introduce someone if possible.

Thank you,

Ingrid Vimont


Secret Shopper® Actionable Intelligence Delivered


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