Helion Energy imposter

Brad –

Victim Location 30087

Type of a scam Employment

I submitted an application for employment with Helion Energy using Indeed website; after some time, June 4, 2019 I received a text message asking if I am interested in the position of CSR with the company (name Lisa/phone 425-559-7065. I accepted an interview time and was asked to upload the Trillian APP, I learned this would be a chatline interview and began a general Q & A. Some of the questions began to concerns me; 1- What banking system do I use? After I asked why and gave a general credit union with shared branching reply; the response was the company had benefits with specific banks.

We got past that and after a brief let me review this with my supervisor, "Rose Bell" informed me I will receive an acceptance letter to review and sign and would be expected to be logged into Trillian at 9a EST the next day (June 6, 2019).

I was asked other disconcerting questions – 2. What was my bank deposit limits? I gave the usual availability answers I am aware of as a former banker. Rose’s reply was Truliant, a credit union I mentioned had x limits daily and monthly of $10K

The next steps were processing of check for them to send to me via gmail. She did not respond as to how much would be sent to me.

My Red Flag intuition kicked in, I had had enough. I informed I was rescinded my acceptance and am reporting to federal and local agencies

Summary – no face to face video or phone contact

Used Trillian APP which downloads a Chatroom for interview and most correspondence; During chat I was asked "I believe the company can ensure your commitment and full trust right?"

Final step "I will keep you informed once the check (to purchase office supplies for home office set up) is ready for you, kindly stand by."

At 11:30 a.m. I decided to rescind my acceptance and proceeded from there. No further correspondence via chatroom after 11:30 a.m. ET

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