Victim Location 31601
Total money lost $2,900
Type of a scam Rental
I had reached out to this individual from a post on Craigslist about renting a furnished property in Atlanta. The individual is responding with details about the property which led me to respond that I’m interested and when I’ll be able to pay for the extent I will stay at the property. This individual then sent me information the lease agreement and how to go about making the payment. I asked the individual about meeting me in person due to I didn’t feel right depositing money into someone’s bank account. The individual then asked could I send it WalMart 2 WalMart so I can receive the keys by the end of the week and 200 to the cleaning lady by the name of Beulah Ellis through money gram. I sent the money WalMart 2 WalMart due to I know an individual has to show their license to pick it up and in hopes to get the place by a set date. After sending the money and giving countless excuses as to why I haven’t received the keys because the owner is a hard-headed man. I then proceeded to ask for a refund due to this individual and whoever he claimed owned the property thought I was going give more money for a property that I haven’t received the keys for yet and claimed that someone else was interested in it and willing to pay more. I kept contacting the guy about my refund and last week his attitude and tone changed towards me receiving a refund.
Upon asking about my refund for the last time, the guy admitted the owner does scam with his account, and I won’t be getting my money back. Also, I found out the number the person was using is a text app number through bandwidth after contacting text app I have three names ( Hector L.Todd Jr., David Todd Feltman, and Beulah Ellis) that you can indict, two of the individual’s bank information, the rental agreement, emails, Hector’s text app number, and text messages. I contacted WalMart 2 WalMart RIA transfers services and opened a case with them where they agreed to release all information about the suspect “Hector L. Todd Jr.” I would like for charges to be pressed against these individuals and pray I will be able to get my money back.