Victim Location 34119
Total money lost $198
Type of a scam Credit Cards
I received 7 bottles of supplements in the mail on 10/12/19 from this company that I never ordered. I checked our credit cards and sure enough here was a charge for $198.00 made yesterday, 10/11/19. The packing slip said the order was placed on 10/7/19 and shipped on 10/8/19. They had my correct name and address, however, the email was incorrect as it had a number just before the @ symbol. Mine does not have a number. Everything else was correct.
I called my bank to replace the card. They cannot issue a credit to my card until I provide proof that I returned the items. Going back tomorrow via USPS with signature verification.
Out of curiosity, I called the customer service number (888-637-3590) which happens to be the customer service for multiple companies associated with diet supplements to ask if I needed a return authorization. I was told I could not return the merchandise because it was associated with fraud by someone whose accent was definitely not from North Or South America. The call was obviously being received a some type of call center as I could hear multiple voices in the background. The resistance I encountered was highly suspect. Normal companies will gladly accept returns if you indicate you did not make e purchase
Still not sure how they obtained my card number since the majority of our purchases our done with chip readers and any swipe readers are checked for skimmers prior to use. We do not use it at gas stations.
I will send follow up once the goods arrive and bank dispute is settled.